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  1. GJH105775

    so you want a quadcopter or multirotor

    I have learned that if you want something quick and easy.... use Amazon prime. I am very cheap so I still get a lot from Hobbyking and some china stores haha.
  2. GJH105775

    CC3D question for new for ZMR 250 build

    I suggest you turn stick scaleing down a bit and learn with only stabilization. The self-level can be hindering later, and it does not hold it steady.
  3. GJH105775

    Where to save new code for APM 2.6 and APM code syntax?

    I don't have much time right now, but I might be able to make a worthwhile response tomorrow night. Until then @Nick may be able to help.
  4. GJH105775

    Failing to Upload Firmware for APM 2.6

    Do you know which com it is connecting to? What OS are you using, and what bootloader?
  5. GJH105775

    kk2.1.5 "no yaw input" "no motor layout"

    Does it work now, or just not work at all?
  6. GJH105775

    kk2.1.5 "no yaw input" "no motor layout"

    Sometimes when you calibrate none of the ESCs will start at all, if you run into that just do it again, or do them one at a time if pass-through mode is not working well.
  7. GJH105775


    Litterly 5 lines, a loop, an if statement and a then or do statement and you have to include the servo library for PWM, so an Arduino and a transistor is all you'd need. Spice it up and turn it into a multi-switch box.
  8. GJH105775

    kk2.1.5 "no yaw input" "no motor layout"

    Do you have the throttle stick all the way down?
  9. GJH105775

    Quadcopter Science Project

    Haha, you should see mine, aluminium channel with wood inserts, and has corner braces. Only 370mm, but weighs a little over 3ibs
  10. GJH105775

    kk2.1.5 "no yaw input" "no motor layout"

    What transmitter are you using? Just look in your manual for trimming. Does eveything show the right direction? (like rudder left and right)
  11. GJH105775

    kk2.1.5 "no yaw input" "no motor layout"

    Use these instructions for tuning it.
  12. GJH105775

    kk2.1.5 "no yaw input" "no motor layout"

    Before you try to arm it check in the reciever test that all values are trimmed to 0, and that they don't need to be reversed, if I remember right one will usually need to be reversed. To arm it is right stick down and to the right, and disarm it is to the left, turning autolevel you move the...
  13. GJH105775

    kk2.1.5 "no yaw input" "no motor layout"

    Go into settings and set self-level to stick
  14. GJH105775


    Or if you have an Arduno it can be done really easily.
  15. GJH105775

    kk2.1.5 "no yaw input" "no motor layout"

    Turn the transmitter on BEFORE you turn the quadcopter on, this is a very common problem users have with the KK, and is done to force people to turn tx on before the quad, as this helps to prevent interference from taking control of the craft..
  16. GJH105775

    Quadcopter Science Project

    Haha, looks good, you probably could get by with the bar in the front only going from aluminium to aluminium. Maybe just rivet them together
  17. GJH105775

    $400 to spend, any ideals

    What program, OS, and what have you tried? Also there is a nice one for Android.
  18. GJH105775

    Quadcopter Comparison

    I'd say DJI is good choice, or you could DIY. DJI products can be repaired by your self if you don't want to deal with them.
  19. GJH105775

    $400 to spend, any ideals

  20. GJH105775

    New Flyer

    Welcome to the forums, keeping your orientation is fairly hard when you start out. This should help.