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  1. GJH105775

    Help with idea

    Haha, you'll be joing the ranks of us where limbs, whole trees, poles, walls, and wire jump or teleport to the place in front of us. Haha, I hope you get it together just fine, if not there are plenty who will help.
  2. GJH105775

    Giving away mini quadcopter!

    Got it today, and I really like it. Wrong thread
  3. GJH105775

    First Quad Build

    Yeah, you usually end up replacing before even getting it in the air, if not shortly thereafter.
  4. GJH105775

    First Quad Build

    You can; you could even make modular arms that you swapped out. @HDtallrider 's is also just fine, I am sure he can dig up the post he made on it.
  5. GJH105775


    Haha, great advice, also if you use ferrite rings make sure to wrap them a LOT more than most manufactures wrap them haha. I swear they put them on for decoration when they only wrap 3-5 times.
  6. GJH105775

    First Quad Build

    The difference is in the motors and in the props.
  7. GJH105775

    First Quadcopter build: Did I select the right parts?

    If you want a cheap but well built charger I'd suggest this, it will only balance charge (takes a whiles), but doing that your batteries will probably outlast your quad a few times over. I have one and it does just what I need to do.
  8. GJH105775

    Beginners Quadcopter

    I much prefer hobby grade, but the toy grade are a lot more convenient to fly, as there is very little to worry with. I'd say as soon as your comfortable to get a hobby grade quad. The six motored one is a hexicopter, the smaller ones are great for racing, and they give a more lifting power.
  9. GJH105775

    Help with idea

    A lot cheaper to crash than Helis too. Haha, everybody needs to have a toy, a racer, and a camera quad to fly!
  10. GJH105775

    What flight controller is the best
  11. GJH105775

    Help with idea

    30 amp is heavier, but you can't fry a motor using too big of ESCs, you can however fry ESCs using too big of a motor. Unless a device is current hungry it will only draw what it needs in amperage. Switch if you have the funds to spare, or wait to see how it flys.
  12. GJH105775

    My first custom quad

    I like to use a radial ar Yeah, haha. You never know whnn you may want 90mm thick cast iron for your quad.
  13. GJH105775

    Well, I got a few seconds of cool footage this time!

    Yeah, I am even using WD and Seagate, so it is not like I am using crappy stuff hahaha.
  14. GJH105775

    Well, I got a few seconds of cool footage this time!

    You can run any program for any OS using a virtual machine like VMware, and many (again like VMware) will let you run it in Unity mode (can't even tell it is running on a VM).
  15. GJH105775

    Quadcopter build competition!

    Haha, but better be ready to do some DIY stuff and some eye candy to win :P.
  16. GJH105775


    I can personally vouch for these.
  17. GJH105775

    Quadcopter build competition!

    I think it is a great marketing tactic, surprised HK or some other bigger company did not thing of it.
  18. GJH105775

    Experienced RC Helis; new to quads; advice please?

    Haha, I can think of worse names.
  19. GJH105775

    Experienced RC Helis; new to quads; advice please?

    Haha, were the Herfford cattle named after that place? Or vice versa maybe?
  20. GJH105775


    Twisting the wires can be a good idea (just like UTP cabling), but you may also need to shield the ESCs with some foil wrap. I think(and hope) that it is the ESCs as opposed to the rx.