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  1. GJH105775

    Motor recommendation for heavy payload

    If you are stuck on a quad something 2200g per motor at ~60% throttle so a 7kg lift quadcopter 3230per motor@100% throttle If you wish for something a bit cheaper then these should do 2100g@21 amps per motor.
  2. GJH105775

    Motor recommendation for heavy payload

    That is a pretty good bit of weight. Does it have to be a quad or could you use an octocopter?
  3. GJH105775

    Eachine Racer 250 Battery

    did you buy it for fun and faster flying or videography?
  4. GJH105775

    Eachine Racer 250 Battery

    Exactly. Either upgrade to a bigger quad for longer flight times or become OK with switching packs out in the field.
  5. GJH105775

    It fell out of the sky.

    Yeah, they are terrible I had one cell go bad for absolutely no reason with 3 charges on it. Was not pulling 1/3rd it's rating, I only balance my batteries with a trickle charger, and never brought it below 3.7 per cell.
  6. GJH105775

    Help! Swollen battery after 3 flights

    Simple mistake, just be glad that it did not cost you a model or cause a fire in your home :eek: You'll really like the Tatu battery I think hahaha.
  7. GJH105775

    One of the hottest & best conversation of drones

    I agree that current hardware could be improved, but at the cost of user development, I say that because as I'm sure you have noticed most of your hobby stuff is going to be developed on something like the ATmega. Why? because it is familiar and easy to work with. For something like an...
  8. GJH105775

    Brotherhobby 2205 Pro 2300KV brushless motor

    I like the look of the specs, but what is the purpose of this post? Is it to inform, advertise, or ask for input? Whatever the purpose it does not belong in this section. Edit: Post Moved to "New Products"
  9. GJH105775

    Getting started with Cheerson CX-30W

    Moved to new thread. Generally for a quadcopter the propellers are laid out as follows: Number 1 and 3 are Clockwise (AKA right hand rotation) props, while numbers 2 and 4 are left hand or counter-clockwise You can tell a RH (right hand) from a LH by the leading edge Here is a video...
  10. GJH105775

    I need your Help Please Guys! I burned out my PDB!!!!

    Not a good idea, pulling more on your motors and RSCs. You risk burning something up that will cost you more than a battery. I have a multistar 1400mAh and a Tatu 1550. I suggest you get the Tatu for that quad just because multistar may over rate some of their batteries. This makes them...
  11. GJH105775

    It fell out of the sky.

    What do you have your low voltage buzzer set for? At 3.4v mine will kick LVC in at low battery, if you raise it to something like 3.6 you might stop that.
  12. GJH105775

    Motor won't spin cog

    Hahaha, sounds like you might get to do some fast-n-low flying here soon.
  13. GJH105775

    Well did you fly today post videos here

    Hahaha, I know what you mean, water makes me VERY nervous, as do trees.
  14. GJH105775

    I need your Help Please Guys! I burned out my PDB!!!!

    Sounds like a short. Can you give a few pictures of the damage? And perhaps a description of the events leading up to it?
  15. GJH105775

    Good news for US members (FAA Reauthorization act)

    Well good news: What is reauthorization? What just happened??
  16. GJH105775

    Well did you fly today post videos here

    Be careful flying at night, I reviewed some of my fast and low videos and found that I fly with a lot more confidence, and maybe better hahahaha. I did a couple things like get close enough to rub the street by flying too low and fly between power lines that I did not know were there until I...
  17. GJH105775

    Bad brushless motor?

    Hahahaha, sounds like you need to get her a little FPV quad going in hopes of getting her into the addiction. If not there are always means of making stuff just appear ;)
  18. GJH105775

    Syma X5C prop play.

    No added benefit, the weight would be the only affect. The play is removed when it lifts the weight of the quad. Even brushless hobby grade have vertical slack hahaha
  19. GJH105775

    Need advice on first build.

    Radiolink is fine (I have one), but they lack is QC and are not upgradable in a modular sense, so you are stuck at 2.4gHz, but you do have some telemetry. If that is all the budget allows then you are fine, but Telemetry and the ability to upgrade to a LRS are very valuable. The...
  20. GJH105775

    Need advice on first build.

    Take a look at the FrSky Taranis, Turnigy 9x, Turnigy 9xr pro. I suggest the Taranis if possible. The CC3D vs Naza would probably depend which receiver you bought. Either way this is a little small of a build to try and support GPS and...