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  1. P

    First Build... Don't know what motors or ESC's to get...

    Hi, I'm not sure where you're based, but I ordered this kit which contains two of each blade type, four motors and four ESCs: Hope that's of some help, Matt
  2. P

    So, here's the plan...

    Thanks Neil, I bought a new spinner and rotor mount yesterday and fitted them this afternoon along with some blue loctite (the guy in the shop said that red would be pushing it!). Fired up the quad and had it hover, pushed the sticks forward to make it fly and promptly crashed it! :D I see...
  3. P

    So, here's the plan...

    Wow, so well over a month since I last had any time to have a go on this and I've just managed to maiden it then crash it quite spectacularly! The auto-level kicked in fine and take off was beautiful, however during the hover one of the hubs that holds the rotors onto the motors came unstuck...
  4. P

    So, here's the plan...

    I'm working my way up to flashing the board with Stevies Firmware. I'll try and fly it with the stability mode enabled later on this week. Thanks, Matt
  5. P

    So, here's the plan...

    OK, so you were right, one of the motors was wired incorrectly! I managed to get it into the air but it was incredibly unstable so I think I need to get the self-level stuff enabled. I also think I need to recalibrate the ACC because I don't think it was "flat" to begin with, but I've had it...
  6. P

    So, here's the plan...

    OK, thanks, I'll try and give that a go over the next couple of days.
  7. P

    So, here's the plan...

    FCB arrived today, I've connected it all up and attempted to maiden it but managed to break a pair of blades in the process as it tipped forward. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I know that with my Heli I need a slight right-rudder to counter ground effect on takeoff, are quads the same?
  8. P

    So, here's the plan...

    Programming the ESCs is something I've not thought about yet but I guess it will need to be done - now I just need an English translation of the Chinese manual! The KK is running 2.1.5 firmware as far as I know, is there a newer version that I should be flashing, and if so, what are the...
  9. P

    So, here's the plan...

    Thanks. Antics didn't have the connectors I was after so I just went and bought some heat-shrink instead! :) I'll give the soldering a go tomorrow night. Still no sign of the KK :(
  10. P

    Where do I start???

    I'm writing up how to build a drone that will (eventually) have FPV/Filming support both on my thread on this forum and on my blog at The whole thing so far (Frame, Motors, ESCs, Props and Flight Control Board) has cost me around £85GBP however it will cost...
  11. P

    So, here's the plan...

    So, for those of you not following my blog at (and why aren't you?! ;) ) here's what I've managed to get done this week after the propellers/motors/escs arrived: ====== BEGIN UPDATE ====== This week, the motors, propellers and ESCs to control them arrived...
  12. P

    So, here's the plan...

    ESCs, Motors and blades arrived today. I've asked the vendor for more details on the ESCs as the manual is entirely in Chinese and I have no idea what it means! I'm hoping I can flash them with the SimonK firmware as I've heard good things about it in relation to stability etc, however if I...
  13. P

    learner quad that could be built into something bigger?

    I just found which shows how to connect a Gymbal and controller for a GoPro to the DX6i on a phantom quad so it's a simple setup :)
  14. P

    learner quad that could be built into something bigger?

    I'm going to be flying with a Spektrum DX6i for two reasons - the first is that I already own one and you can pick up clones of the receivers for under £10GBP...
  15. P

    So, here's the plan...

    Hi Bill, Great to see you over here and thanks for not HiJacking the thread! :D I'm waiting on my KK 2.1.5 to arrive (it's been shipped from China, should be here anytime between next Thursday and Christmas apparently :( ) however the frame arrived yesterday and my eldest daughter helped me...
  16. P

    Gopro capable DIY quad?

    For a quad you'll need at least 6 channels on your TX/RX pair so unless you have a *very* complicated car, I'm guessing you'll probably want to upgrade the radio. If it helps, I've started a blog on the drone I'm building over at and I also intend...
  17. P

    So, here's the plan...

    Awesome, thanks. I'm going to take the OrangeRX 615 I've currently got in my Heli and use it with this first as apparently you need a converter cable to use the satellite (and it also brings the price down to £83!) but I'll order the parts today and see how I get on! Cheers, Matt
  18. P

    learner quad that could be built into something bigger?

    Hi Bill, I'm in a similar situation to yourself having flown Helis in the past but not multi-rotors. I'm putting together a list of parts at and although it's currently running at £83 ( approx $129 ) I'm designing it with the idea that...
  19. P

    Newb > Intermediate. Which way?

    No idea if you've made the purchase yet, but I've got a Spektrum DX6i (6 channels) and it does me nicely for my heli's, I'm about to start on building my first quad and it looks like the DX6i will do the job nicely. You can pick them up second-hand on eBay for between £50 and £70 and the really...
  20. P

    2014 Eyes from above

    lol, I meant from the FPV stuff. :) I've started a "I'm new here and I don't know what I'm doing..." thread over at and I hope to be able to build a basic Quad for under £100 GBP. Once I've got the hang of this (and I'm thinking it's...