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  1. GJH105775

    Did i buy a brushless motor for my esc?

    You can have brushed 3-phase motors, but I agree with you hahaha. Usually if it is 3 phase and smaller then it is going to be brushless.
  2. GJH105775

    Can you create a thread for it? Makes it easy to follow and provide well formatted information.

    Can you create a thread for it? Makes it easy to follow and provide well formatted information.
  3. GJH105775

    First Build flips on takeoff

    I am taking some apart now that have little balls of solder in them, think it got in as some solder can become airborn, but I'm sure that is what these would sound like as the solder caught in the motors.
  4. GJH105775

    First Build flips on takeoff

    Unlikely, try testing the ESCs individually without props. You could plug them directly into hte PWM output of a receiver if you have one, if not you can use the FCB. Also might try to calibrate the ACC and Gyros. Can you get a video of it?
  5. GJH105775

    First Build flips on takeoff

    Have you made sure that the ESCs are plugged into the correct outputs from the FCB?
  6. GJH105775

    need help with PX4 MINI ver. 1.3

    In that case they use 802.15.1 standards which are seriously lacking when it comes to range, not really worth using.
  7. GJH105775

    need help with PX4 MINI ver. 1.3

    I would suggest youtube, but I don't think I've heard of that FCB.
  8. GJH105775

    Syma X8C

    I'd strongly suggest against using headless. It makes your right stick control the quad relative to the position it was when you armed it. Basically if you arm it (facing the same direction as you are) and take off, then yaw left (turn left) so that the quadcopter is facing left and you are...
  9. GJH105775 be delivered...or not? Syma X8W

    I'd strongly suggest against using headless. It makes your right stick control the quad relative to the position it was when you armed it. Basically if you arm it (facing the same direction as you are) and take off, then yaw left (turn left) so that the quadcopter is facing left and you are...
  10. GJH105775

    Syma X8C

    Haha, sorry about that, Tx means transmitter, Rx means receiver. Terms are mostly used in IT, engineering, or in hobby electronics. If you can exchange it and be done that would be your best option.
  11. GJH105775

    Syma X8C

    You have any channels reversed on your Tx?
  12. GJH105775

    quick question....

    Can you post the link? Also what type of flying are you interested in?
  13. GJH105775

    Can you get away with 4 channels?

    4-6 channels are usually what you would use. 4 channels is the minimum for a multirotor as you have roll, pitch, yaw, and throttle. Having additional chalnnels is good for things like tuning a multiwii or APM with knobs, and switching different functions on or off like return to home...
  14. GJH105775

    Noob neds help (Burned ESC's, Libre pilot, batteries...)

    It is possible(and not uncommon) to cause an ESC to burn with a firmware problem such as trying to use a feature your ESCs don't support, or a serious timing error that leads to two FETs being on that should not. If you've flown it with the new fimware then it is likely that it was a crash...
  15. GJH105775

    Lets see your Machines!

    Looks to me to be some sort of laminate to make things look good, and maybe add strength, but I could easily be wrong.
  16. GJH105775

    Carbon Fibre vs Wood Props

    If you get the lighter electric wood props it is not that much of a problem, but with most wood props it would hamper your stabilization.
  17. GJH105775

    Carbon Fibre vs Wood Props

    I'd go with wood as they are more likely to be balanced, usually cheaper, and almost as stiff. Availability is the biggest problem with them.
  18. GJH105775

    U.S. Will Require Drones to Be Registered

    Well the FAA used an obscure interpretation of the word all, redefined aircraft, and declared it an emergency due to their complacency in foreseeing that December 25th came after the 24th in order to use the streamlined emergency rule making process to pass this. Hopefully these regulatory...
  19. GJH105775

    Battery upgrade for mtech sky drone pro V2

    It should work. It will take a little longer to charge as the charger is likely providing lower current, but the fastest you should charge a LiPo is around an hour(1C which is amps=1*Ah), add a little bit of time for efficiency loss.
  20. GJH105775

    Newbie here - question on trim settings

    You could have a motor that is getting weak. Does this run little coreless DC motors? Yaw is rotating, pitch is tilting forward and back, roll is tilting to the left or right.