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  1. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    The cheapest I would buy is a This omnibus f4 sd AIO Omnibus f4 sd seriously pro racing f3 these help any board, only penny's. And if you can get a new rx Ia6b or ia6c, FS RX2a, X6b These all do ibus & ppm. All signals go down 1 wire instead of 6 you have. Saves weight & messy wires.
  2. mozquito1

    Birthday Drone

    Yep it's a 5ghz vtx
  3. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    You don't, it just is mode2 or mode1 when you buy it. It should say on box. With mode2 the throttle is on the left. It will stay where you leave it. And the right stick springs back into the centre. When you pick rx pwm & you have a mode2 transmitter it should say AETR or AETR1234 in the top...
  4. mozquito1

    Birthday Drone

    You could get a cheap box goggle set or 2nd hand goggles for less than an iPhone & they will do if you ever upgrade to Not a toy.
  5. mozquito1

    Birthday Drone

    Well that went to §hito_O Yep you need a 5ghz vrx
  6. mozquito1

    Birthday Drone

  7. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    You got a picture
  8. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    The naze is a bad board, I went through a few on my first 2 quads. If it flipped then you where nearly there. It just needed either a board reset esc signal wires going on the right pins Props going on the right direction. Lets try getting the rx setup first in the config tab. Set it to rx...
  9. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    Before you put the top plate back on, post a picture of your stack. You may have to resize the picture to load it up on this site. I had this insta flip a while back. I took 2 whole weeks off to fly but was checking everything an it was a board reset that fixed it. It sounded like you had it...
  10. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    My first few builds I used plugs but got good and now I direct solder. Try resetting the board, it's next to accelerometer on settings tab. Then calibrate the accelerometer Then take the lid off unplug the leads and Reflow the solder around the pins. Put it back together on the correct pins...
  11. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    It's normal for all props not to spin up at once. The accelerometer is done on a level surface, but if where you try to take off from is slightly off then some props will spin up first.
  12. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    Did you direct solder or servo plugs reflow the solder joints if solderd. A knock can crack them if not done properly. What flight control are you using.? If its a naze then these are notorious for failing very easy.
  13. mozquito1

    Max Height indoors

    I would have said the ceiling myself just like how low can you go is, the floor. :D
  14. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    Also did you apply Aux channels to the switches you want in tx menu settings. eg Aux1 =arm on SWD Aux2 =modes on SWC (3 position switch)
  15. mozquito1

    Reciever troubles

    What transmitter you got. You may have the wrong setting. My flysky & turnigy evo are one AETR mode2. So try this in config rx settings. then check the signal wires off the esc's are going to the right pins. This or props on wrong way are the things that cause that.
  16. mozquito1

    Problems with my first diy quad

    The motors would only stop spinning if say you roll left, then the esc breaks the motors on th 3+4 & 1+2 keep spinning to push it over. Did you calibrate the accelerometer on a level surface. And what esc protocol are you using, eg multishot, Dshot?
  17. mozquito1

    Problems with my first diy quad

    Did you change the pid settings at all. If you look at yaw in pid settings, how many degrees a second does it say. I have mine around 700° pitch & roll are 900° Try lowering the numbers incremental for RC rate to bring this down to what you are comfortable with. 95% of quads fly OK on stock...
  18. mozquito1

    Problems with my first diy quad

    Do you have airmode on? Them motors are quite powerful. You just got to get used to the throttle range & not be so heavy on it. I was the Same on my first maiden, coming from toy quads, they are more of a beast. It shot up so fast & I panicked & I cut the throttle, it just tumbled & I panic...
  19. mozquito1

    Birthday Drone

    I'm stumped on that one, sorry I don't use I phones never have. But you would think so. My last phone had OTG settings but I bought a new phone put the otg cable in & it doesn't work. You would think all new phones on sale in the last year would have this feature. I doesn't even detect the USB...
  20. mozquito1

    Bugs 3

    Its a beast, he has no cage.