Hi Some ESCs are weak and cant handle the pull I use 30amp on my quad the same as I had on the 450 with 1200kv motors and 10x4.7 props
So now they are on a 700mm quad running 650kv motors with 14x5.5 props , you can see in the pic the size compared to my wrist watch
Ok the 2212 motors on a 3 cell battery on an 10x4.5 prop pulls max 30 amps but this pull is for about 1/2 a second as soon as the props are spinning the load drops off , the esc are rated 15 amps all you can do is hover it and check temp of ESC , if they stay cool start to fly it , if they are getting hot then your have to up them to 30amp but this will still be cheaper than new motors ,props ,and escs
So now they are on a 700mm quad running 650kv motors with 14x5.5 props , you can see in the pic the size compared to my wrist watch
Ok the 2212 motors on a 3 cell battery on an 10x4.5 prop pulls max 30 amps but this pull is for about 1/2 a second as soon as the props are spinning the load drops off , the esc are rated 15 amps all you can do is hover it and check temp of ESC , if they stay cool start to fly it , if they are getting hot then your have to up them to 30amp but this will still be cheaper than new motors ,props ,and escs