So the green zmr is flying and the same oscillations r happening that the red zmr has .... I have looked at a couple vids for pids and want to get confirmation on this .
P is to stop oscillations or cause them depending on what the setting .
I is to level the quad quicker or slower depending on setting and also if wind plays a part .
D is to make the quad more solid while performing maneuvers rather than sluggish or sloppy.
Am I right in those theories or am I way off ..... kinda need to know b 4 attempting to adjust .
Also what do I need to adjust in librepilot as there r quite a few settings to mess with
Not exactly correct, the I is time based, so if the copter is out f level for lets say 400 ms it will apply 300 ms worth of correction, the D is mainly to pickup where P and I have failed, and not always needed for multirotors>
Fast ocilations and difficulty controlling throttle means P is likely too high
too long to level means P is likely too low
Slow oscillations and a hard time hovering in a reasonable area means I is likely too high
drifting that gets worse over time means I is likely too low
D is a little harder to diagnose, if P and/or I are too high, D can help reduce the wobble if you lower it
If D is too high you will have latency (lag, or delay) from the quadcopter reacting to your stick inputs