I dont have RX so I can't see the image but I thing that the wiring is correct and if I plug everything up leds are working.
But the OSD should look somehow like this and you can configure everything through the USB port on PC...
Yes I finally know how to do it because I was confused with that gimbal controlling board that I have to connect thing to it. But now I know that I dont need it at all. I wired up everything and it is working :) It was quite easy cable from the iOSD I plugged to X3 and and NAZA PMU, Camera to PW...
I will replace that Xiaomi with real FPV camera later, but for now I can just plug black-yellow wire from camera into that FPV TX with heatsink and it will work right? But if I also want to have OSD I have to.. Wait.. Do I need that basecam gimbal board at all? Can I somehow just connect...
I'm repairing one drone and it is equiped with DJI Naza with iOSD mini, SkyZone 5.8GHz 500mW 8ch TX https://hobbyking.com/en_us/skyzone-5-8g-500mw-8-channel-av-transmitter-fpv.html, Quanum AlexMos Brushless Gimbal Controller...
Some of these? https://hobbyking.com/en_us/catalogsearch/result/?erp_category=&q=APC+15x5.5
Because they are even more expensive that those CF which I have on my drone now.
Yes that was the reason why i created this post just to be sure because I suspected that for 2 screws mount I will don't need to care about CW/CCW motor types. But the main question was which propellers are the best in my case.
btw. thanks for all replies.
Hi there,
I'm rebuilding one hexacopter which I bought from my brother. And on the drone were carbon fiber T propellers 15x5.5 (I'm almost sure) https://hobbyking.com/en_us/multirotor-carbon-fiber-t-style-propeller-15x5-5-black-cw-ccw-2pcs-2.html
And these motors MT 3510 600KV link...
Thank you for the model number. I can see on the Internet some nice wiring schematics, but one maybe stupid question, Why do I need that board when I already have DJI naza which is controlling everything? I'm a bit confused.
Of course but everything has its own purpose. Anyway thank you so much for your advice I will probably buy that flysky Fsi6 and I will hope that 6ch will be enough and could be paired with that naza flight controller. Btw. if you want to I can post other images and my progression when I will...
Yes. Thank you!
This thing?
Is this for FPV?
Another question. From one motor on this gimbal is stripped off cable. It is possible to fix it? Because I can't dissasemble it like brushless motor by unscrewing and taking it apart. Because I wan't to solder to it another and maybe use it for...
I don't know nothing about that drone. My brother brought it to home from his friend and told me repair it if you want it. I don't have boxes from parts, names, software I have to look for all things. But he told me that he was using that cheap TX and optima was on board when I was exploring it...
Hello there,
I hope that this is the right place for my question :)
I'm new to this but I bought one damaged hexacopter and it was paired with this TX and RX (pictures are included bellow)
and it was weird because to the drone it was connected by Optima 7CH RX but it is not the original one...