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  1. tylorwashere

    Antenna tubes

    I saw someone using zip ties, leaving them long and running the wire up the length of it, then using heat shrink to hold the antenna to the length of the zip tie. I thought that was pretty neat
  2. tylorwashere

    Can you get away with 4 channels?

    Wow, that's actually a really good deal
  3. tylorwashere

    Can you get away with 4 channels?

    20 bucks
  4. tylorwashere

    Issues with RC to FC communication

    Do you have it set to always disarmed in base flight? In open flight there is an arm setting and default is set to always disarmed
  5. tylorwashere

    Can you get away with 4 channels?

    My dad has a 4 channel walkera 2402 and an 8 channel reciever that he will basically give to me if I want them. I have the rest of my build locked down, I'm still just trying to find a way to not have to sell a kidney for a radio. Can I get away with 4 channels until I can get an 8 channel radio?
  6. tylorwashere

    Newb Problems, First Build

    Someone else was just having this problem the other day, make sure in clean flight you don't have it set to always disarmed. You'll have to pick a way to arm it, it gives you options. (Yaw left or right, aileron left or right, etc.) EDIT** I have a terrible habit of not paying attention right...
  7. tylorwashere

    Newbe BEC connecting question

    If the esc's have linear Bec's then you leave all the wires connected to all the pins, I'm pretty sure.
  8. tylorwashere

    250 Quad Troubles with openpilot or TX? I am at a loss???? HELP!!!!

    There is a picture above of what the screen you need looks like in open pilot
  9. tylorwashere

    250 Quad Troubles with openpilot or TX? I am at a loss???? HELP!!!!

    It would eliminate a variable, but I wouldn't leave it there
  10. tylorwashere

    Need help badly

    Have you checked the instructions to see if there is a way to arm it from the transmitter?
  11. tylorwashere

    1800mah nano 60-120c burst overkill?

    Oh sorry, it was late lol, a 250 quad running 2204 2300 kv multistars with afro 12 amp escs
  12. tylorwashere

    1800mah nano 60-120c burst overkill?

    Title says it all, these are one type of battery my dad produces for rc cars/trucks, I still have to get an exact weight from him but I can't imagine they are light. Are the Nano-tech 1.3 45-90 the better choice?
  13. tylorwashere

    250 Racer advice needed - again!

    Have you checked out yet?
  14. tylorwashere


    Can you tell me about how fast a 250 is compared to this? It's what I've been learning on, skip to about 8 minutes and you'll see the guy flying it. If it's way faster then I might consider the bigger frame
  15. tylorwashere


    I don't mean to derail this thread (anymore than it has already become anyway), but could you give me a tip on which one to go for? The only ones I really see that have replacement parts that aren't part of a whole kit, are either the full plastic hobbyking ones, or ones that aren't the style...
  16. tylorwashere

    HELP ME GET STARTED PLEASE :) This is the frame I'm using for my first build, it's relatively cheap and fulfills all my needs.
  17. tylorwashere

    transmitter/receiver question

    I'm not really sure, haven't asked yet. He builds lipo batteries and alot of other stuff for rc cars and trucks for a living, helicopters were just something he got into and then kind of abandoned. I'm probably gonna coerce him into throwing in a few batteries and a balance charger, plus all...
  18. tylorwashere

    transmitter/receiver question

    Do you have a suggestion for motors? I want to start with 5030 props but would like to eventually move up to 5040
  19. tylorwashere

    transmitter/receiver question What about these motors? There is no test data for 5 inch props, does that mean they weren't designed to ruN them?
  20. tylorwashere

    transmitter/receiver question

    Everything besides the motors looks good though? And just a question, what's wrong with the teleporter goggles?