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  1. Wildwelder

    The new guy on the block

    Well first off I'd like to say thank you for your service. My advice would be to practice with that drone, get comfortable with it and learn more about the hobby until you can build your own purpose built drone where you can get into first person view flying(fpv) which gives you a great sense...
  2. Wildwelder

    HK X650f Quadcopter - Flight Issues

    You said you were motors were spinning in the correct direction but were your props assigned to the right motors? A counterclockwise motor has to have a counterclockwise prop. it stands to reason that if all your motors are powering and throttling up, and it doesn't take off then there's...
  3. Wildwelder

    what drone for go pro ?

    Do yourself a favor and learn to fly before you mount that camera. Really.
  4. Wildwelder

    Prop got ahold of my finger today....:((

    Well Gregg I built it piece by piece no kit. It cost me around $700 so far w/o camera/gimbal. I just might buy a gimbal for my mobius. I remember seeing one online but if not ill go with a hero3. I dont know if no name heros are any good or not . Sorry for the late reply btw. Good luck with it!
  5. Wildwelder

    Newbie looking for advice to hang Christmas lights

    this sounds very difficult. To control a quad with a varying load sounds like trouble. And I would think youd need a large quad to lift what will end up being at least 10' of lights. All I can see in my head is another quad in a tree. But if it was me, id make a hook to hang a few feet at least...
  6. Wildwelder

    Drones for SWAT operations

    Yeah everything youre saying is illegal. Just stop this isnt a dumb forum.
  7. Wildwelder

    Reggae Shark Brushed 135mm FPV Micro Quadcopter: Build & Fly

    Ok yes it does thanks. It seems my transmitter and flight controller ate incompatable in the satellite reciever category. Transmitter is dsss and fc is dsm/x.
  8. Wildwelder

    Drone destroyed by salt water... guide to bind AT9 with new drone?

    That receiver should bind without any problems. The servo you see people use is just a test to see if it did indeed bind. You shouldnt have any problems. Oh yeah... dont practice over water....;)
  9. Wildwelder

    Escs wont arm

    Yup sounds like a software problem more than a hardware one. Look over your arming technique and like KC said, verify if your throttle needs to be inverted. Love the fact that you built another just to see if it worked..... youre as crazy as I am! Love it;)
  10. Wildwelder

    Other devices possible on camera socket ?

    Actually a kid in the next town over from me put a .45 on one and his father rigged a flamethrower. Legallity is an issue but to answer your question, alot can be imagined when you wire up a servo or two. Get a voltmeter and see what you have to work with and go crazy. Just, well , you...
  11. Wildwelder

    Prop got ahold of my finger today....:((

    Heres my Mobius just fixed for now but I want to look into that Gitup2k Renov8er is using(thanks for the tip btw Ren)
  12. Wildwelder

    Reggae Shark Brushed 135mm FPV Micro Quadcopter: Build & Fly

    Thanks for that info Renov8r. Didnt know. Although the ZYX-M has inputs for dsm-1 and dsm-2. Could you clarify their incompatibility for me? Not trying to be a wise guy here i just want to learn this.
  13. Wildwelder

    Lipo question

    Make sure everything is compatable to 4s. (Eg. pdb,fc,esc,motors...). Any components you buy should state all the info you need.
  14. Wildwelder

    Reggae Shark Brushed 135mm FPV Micro Quadcopter: Build & Fly

    I use an at9 also along with my ZYX-M fc. I couldnt get my spektrum satellite receivers to bind for anything. I know this is slightly off topic but maybe someone could use this info...
  15. Wildwelder

    Prop got ahold of my finger today....:((

    Thank you Gregory. Actually its all done except for a camera gimbal. Im very happy with it, as it is very stable; in gps i could literally put a glass of water on it without spilling.I have retractable landing gear so a gimbal is the obvious next step. I mounted a stationary mobius just to get...
  16. Wildwelder

    Soldered ESCs to motors wrong..

    Switch any two wires going to your motors and youll reverse rotation.
  17. Wildwelder

    what kind of model should be chosen as the first FPV?

    Was this an infomercial?
  18. Wildwelder

    Do you tiny whoop?

    I have a Virhuck Volar 360 that i fly around my living room. Its about an inch and a half prop to prop. So much fun and its great practice too as all the controls are the same as my bigger quads. 16 bucks on amazon. I recommend it to anyone.
  19. Wildwelder

    jst starting

    Thats a heavy quadcopter! (Sorry had to.......)
  20. Wildwelder

    Drone question

    Ive had alot of cheap "toy" quads just for fun and to tell the truth when they broke i bought another.( im talking $50 range). In my opinion the cheaper ones arent meant to be repaired. Sometimes they make it almost impossible. Great for practice though.