Hello, today I tried to lift my completed quad into the air in my room. Well, when it got 5 cm off the ground, prop nuts came loose and 4 props and 4 nuts flew in all directions, one even hit the TV seems no damage though.. Basically my motors spin the wrong direction compared to nuts tightening direction. The CW spinning motor's (which was marked CW on label) nut also tightens CW, which is wrong, as I now know.. So, what is the best approach to remedy the situation? I could resolder everything and swap motors. Or would reversing the motor direction by programming ESCs be a better option? Every guide shows that the X type quad should have motors spinning CW-CCW-CCW-CW if we look from left top to right bottom. Would it be ok if I swapped directions and the motors would be CCW-CW-CW-CCW? Ok for FC calibration software? Or maybe I should try to put some locking nuts? Any recommendations? Are they reliable? I am using CC3D with some Blheli 12A ESCs. Thanks for any info.
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