Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I just got some more appropriately sized batteries for the 680 hexachopper and a VTX so I can at least do some PID adjustment in the field without necessarily needing to bring the laptop (though I probably will a few times since easier to make bigger adjustments there and possibly check out blackbox logs to see if I can decipher any of that). Still need to attach that VTX when I get up tomorrow and if it's nice out will hopefully get it out for a couple of test/tuning runs (assuming it takes off again and doesn't destroy more than the back up props I have here). Just hoping I can get it flying with the motors I have on hand since read other places they can be less than ideal, worst case I made it really easy to swap anything at this point so one way or another it's going to fly 
Oh also FC I put on there is a Kakute F7 cause seemed pretty nice and had enough motor outputs to do the hexacopter, seems that's becoming a rare thing to find on FCs now too, appears mine should work with iNav? I haven't tried yet so far stuck with betaflight since its what I know. Also have a pixhawk FC here I could fall back on or try alternatively and some ground station radio link parts the seller from forum here included (along with GPS module and some other bits and bobs)
Oh also FC I put on there is a Kakute F7 cause seemed pretty nice and had enough motor outputs to do the hexacopter, seems that's becoming a rare thing to find on FCs now too, appears mine should work with iNav? I haven't tried yet so far stuck with betaflight since its what I know. Also have a pixhawk FC here I could fall back on or try alternatively and some ground station radio link parts the seller from forum here included (along with GPS module and some other bits and bobs)