New Member
I have a 3s/4s acro, tiny whoop, phantom, etc. I like modding things as I was the kid that took the toaster apart. The x5c is the experiment whip of the bunch mostly. Just for fun. Thanks for the reply though.
Now that is AWESOME! I don't know how I've managed to not throw a camera on mine yet lol. I don't know why, but this x5c has me hooked. It's my second favorite next to my whoop lol.I've made a few more changes recently. My X5C-1 is now a 25mW FPV flier weighing 76.9g without the battery.
A great first FPV machine I can lend to friends who want to try it for the first time without worrying about smashing or losing a heavier, expensive machine. Flies great, too - as always, weight minimisation is key with this model!
Maiden X5C-1 FPV flight here, cut down from the 7 minute flight on 750mAh battery to keep it interesting! It was also my first ever FPV flight, for which I found my hours of LOS flying with the X5C-1 absolutely invaluable.
It is low stress flying, maybe that's why you like it so much. Definitely so for me. I don't crash much these days but when I do, it just doesn't matter with this lightweight and sedate little thing!Now that is AWESOME! I don't know how I've managed to not throw a camera on mine yet lol. I don't know why, but this x5c has me hooked. It's my second favorite next to my whoop lol.
That very well could be it.It is low stress flying, maybe that's why you like it so much. Definitely so for me. I don't crash much these days but when I do, it just doesn't matter with this lightweight and sedate little thing!
The camera is simply an all in one video sender. My FPV goggles (Eachine VR D2) record to a microSDHC card. For better video, you'd need a better camera. Mine was a 600TVL 1/3" CMOS camera. I have a few nicer 700/800TVL CCD cameras with separate video transmitters but combined they weigh 35-40g, which is light, but way too heavy for the X5C. The all in one I've used here is about 6g and about AUD$25 - perfect for this kind of flierVery Cool indeed! Those 5.8 cameras are the way to go and it looks like you got some altitude there. But, I take it that this one does not record onto a card too right?
Dood...... I'm addicted to this thread and you are leaving me HANGING!!!!
I recently won a X5C and have been flying the crap out of it with a smile on my face the whole time! I am SUPER curious about your 7mm motor "awakening". I keep going back and forth whether to do the MMW 8.5mm motors or not. I have no idea why I would want to, the thing is fast enough lol.
Thank you for all these time consuming posts for geeks like me!
And no, I don't care that I resurrected an old thread.
Id like to do an update on my x5c.
1.) It still flies like a dream with all the mods but i have to now recommend you keep a few more screws to keep the body halves together...After a few crashes and over time the body will warp and not stay together all that well.
2.) Get you some newer X5HC props..they work great compared to the stock props.
3.) If you want to keep it all syma the x5hc board is a good optional board if you want the altitude hold.....the x5c is still a lighter quad overall than the x5hc and even more so with the mods done so it makes for a good swap.
I would do the board swap over buying the x5hc...just remember to swap out the battery lead on the board or youll have to buy all new batteries.
Id like to do an update on my x5c.
1.) It still flies like a dream with all the mods but i have to now recommend you keep a few more screws to keep the body halves together...After a few crashes and over time the body will warp and not stay together all that well.
2.) Get you some newer X5HC props..they work great compared to the stock props.
3.) If you want to keep it all syma the x5hc board is a good optional board if you want the altitude hold.....the x5c is still a lighter quad overall than the x5hc and even more so with the mods done so it makes for a good swap.
I would do the board swap over buying the x5hc...just remember to swap out the battery lead on the board or youll have to buy all new batteries.
Hi...can you post a link for a good antenna to use for the antenna mod?
Can you also post a link where to get the hex board to swap it out? Does the tarantula remote control have adequate range to avoid antenna mod?
I actually tried those X5HC props on my X5C, in the end I went ahead and returned to stock. With those props it seemed like the lift curve was exaggerated, at more throttle the X5C had a lot more lift, at lower throttles the props seemed to reduce the lift. If I throttle down normally, the quad will lower until it almost hits the ground and will then the wash will lift back up. With the X5H props, the quad would actually hit the ground before bouncing back up. Also don't know what effect -if any- these props would have on battery life and motor lovegevity. Maybe none, but I decided just to go back to stock. I did leave these props on my US Army F-15 x5HC clone (which came with X5C props) in an attempt to make it perform better in the wind. Nope- the F-15 is still a dog in the wind. -my experience.
Unfortunately with the stock x5c board its going to be difficult to get good wind performance..The board is not programmed well enough to do this..We have to remember this quad was designed for more of an entry level camera platform.
You have options to make it much more aggressive but this will require a different board and transmitter.
With the changes ive made to my x5c-1 the x5hc props are performing better for me than stock props...The stock props do create more lift in general but with the weight reduction and more power i get the same if not more and a slight increase in speed.
Just changing the board alone is a major improvement all around even on an otherwise stock x5c.
As long as you have the version 3 or version 6 x5c-1 control board then the x8c transmitter will work with it.
The f15 version seems to be a mix of the x5hc and x5c...you can simply put in an x5hc board and have the same thing but the x8c transmitter wont work with it...
I have zero problems maintaining an altitude steadily with very slight throttle changes so i never saw a reason to use the x5hc board personally but i do like the props with the rest of the changes ive made to my x5c-1..How they perform on heavier quad i cant say really.
I do like the paint scheme on that f15 though..it would be nice to find just the body for sale at some point.
Where did you read it uses a 3db antenna?..i googled the quad and only found one thread on another forum but no specs were given.
300ft is a good range..thats the distance of a football field (100yds) but as we all know i would test that range personally as alot of manufacturer range claims can be a bit optimistic.
I was a bit surprised at the price on the F15...the one place i found on amazon was near $90 for one...Are they cheaper from a different source?
If you get a chance to do some of the mods on here to your x5c-1 let us know how they work out for you..The X5C-1 (with the v6 board) is still my favorite toy quad and has shown the most potential for improvement over any model i own...Its simple easy labor with minimal upgrade cost to have one great reliable flying quad...@ $23 for a complete BNF its certainly the least costly to repair or replace when needed.