Mike H.
Toy Quad Builder
Updated stage 1 weight loss #8.
Stock upper shell 14.4g

After lightening mods 13.2g...Leave the motor holder studs in place and the studs at the very end of the arms !!!!!!!!... i also chose to leave the switch alignment/ holder in place to not have a loose switch...If we add this to our other efforts of mods already measured and completed this gives us now a measured 22.9g of weight removed from the X5..
(read full details on weight loss mod number 8.)

So we take off all the accessories..do the weight loss mods...take off the camera and not install a stock battery..oh wait, we cant fly without the battery but even when we install it you may as well say it isnt there weight wise.
I have one more possible weight mod to try and not sure of weight loss numbers just yet....To me it would be somewhat of an appearance change that i may not like enough to go with but, some might not mind the change so, i will present it anyways when i prepared to try it out.
We may very well reach 25g or more of weight loss...That is HUGE guys...And to top it off it would look like a stock x5 leaving some of your friends scratching there heads how yours is such a better flyer with much longer flight times even with a stock 500mah battery
Stock upper shell 14.4g

After lightening mods 13.2g...Leave the motor holder studs in place and the studs at the very end of the arms !!!!!!!!... i also chose to leave the switch alignment/ holder in place to not have a loose switch...If we add this to our other efforts of mods already measured and completed this gives us now a measured 22.9g of weight removed from the X5..

So we take off all the accessories..do the weight loss mods...take off the camera and not install a stock battery..oh wait, we cant fly without the battery but even when we install it you may as well say it isnt there weight wise.
I have one more possible weight mod to try and not sure of weight loss numbers just yet....To me it would be somewhat of an appearance change that i may not like enough to go with but, some might not mind the change so, i will present it anyways when i prepared to try it out.
We may very well reach 25g or more of weight loss...That is HUGE guys...And to top it off it would look like a stock x5 leaving some of your friends scratching there heads how yours is such a better flyer with much longer flight times even with a stock 500mah battery
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