Hi charley whiskey - I plug mine into the Devo port (which seems simplest and most direct) but others seem to put theirs through the Naza unit - being a bit of a novice with these things, I don't know whether there are disadvantanges to doing it the way I have....
Unfortunately, I can't answer your query regarding the charger - I use the charger that Helipal sent me by default when I bought the drone and, when I connect both the main charging cable and balancing plugs to the charger, it automatically senses that it is a 3 cell battery (11.1v) - I set my charger to 1 Amp, which I believe is (a) safest and (b) best for the battery, but I'm guessing that it will also be slower than the 2 or 3 Amps options I have. I also have to make sure that mine is set to Lipo.
Other than the gimbal issue (and needing to wait for Helipal to send me a couple of cables that they forgot to send with the deluxe FPV kit), my Storm drone 6 worked perfectly as soon as I'd figured out how to assemble it - no need for any calibration etc and I've never had to connect anything to my PC... yet !
(I'm thinking of upgrading my Naza Lite to the V2 so I can install a DJI mini-IOSD, which I only found out about after buying the drone - and this will definitely mean me having to set it up via the software... which sounds a bit challenging tbh...)
I'm based on the other side of the world (UK) but I wish you luck in getting together with a group over there (I have a mate in Newcastle NSW and have visited a few times, but he's not into drones... yet !).
Hi harena - all I can say is that, once its all assembled and connected, its brilliant - a really great bit of kit for the price - but then this is my first drone and I'm not a member of any club or group, so I don't really know how it compares with others out there....
Hope this helps just a bit....