Props balanced. New motors on. Lots of batteries.
So I flew through 3 batteries, and no crashes, no drops from sky. I did have a few somewhat rough landings, but doing much better.
Have been flying the Mavic and learning the intelligent modes.
I plan to do a lot of flying with the Bugs, and plan to focus a lot of my practice upcoming soon on steady flying, altitude maintenance, smooth landing, and becoming used to moving the stick in the right direction when it's coming toward me. I am better at that, but often do an initial push the wrong direction and then correct it.
One thing that is yet a bit of a panic mode fore me: If I get out far/high enough, it can be difficult to determine which direction it is flying. I had one time that it got quite high, and in some better wind, and I lost track of my direction and took it over to the park the next street over. I ended up bringing it down hard in the park before I put it in someones house