Really, it was a brick. But it got me where I am today. There is alot to take in but the basics are easy. The rest is keeping up with new stuff. I have built about 15 kwads since that one & rejigged my own since day one. I felt a right plonker with a toy so as soon as it broke. I orderd some parts bit by bit 3 weeks later, voila.
I had the bug. Painless360, Joshua bardwell, projectbluefalcon and the very first drone I saw was Bruce off RC model reviews. Most of my knowledge comes from these. I had never solderd in my life. So I bought a reel of solder & an iron.
And practised on something else first.
Just take your time. I use no bigger than an 18w iron. It may take the ground pads a bit longer to heat up but it's less forgiving if you leave it on too long.
Try & keep the centre of gravity tight.
And vibration free. Unless you got good vibration mounts, the way yours is setup
Is going to cause problems.
Maybe not affecting basic flight but as in RF noise if you got fpv. Will you fly acro with that. Set your degrees on roll per second to about 900 which is about common for an average roll or flip.
I bet you within 3 rolls something gonna fly off that get caught in the propeller.
And it's midnight sun.
I hope I don't sound all knowing but safety is key with these things & little details like that all help with the final destination type scenario happening. It might drop out in the park & hit a kid or just fly away on you because vibration loosened a plug. Later on the news it went through a car windscreen or a bathroom window & your fingerprints are all over it. Whoops. This is why we need to ban drones blah blah. So don't just jib it because you think you can't solder.
Man up you puss E & be safe.