There are no bad choices there. However, if you want to stay clear of the price tag on the Mavic Pro, I would go with the Spark. I think you will definitely want to add a transmitter with it and bring the total to $499. This package is going to keep most hobby flyers and picture/video takers happy for a while, maybe a long while. You are going to want 1-2 spare batteries sooner or later. Buy them initially, or when your budget permits.
I am convinced that a next-generation Mavic is not too far off. I think it will have a 1" sensor + 100mbps and some other new features I can't begin to predict. I also think the price point is going to put it in the range of the P4 Pro. If you are bouncing around thinking you might squeeze out a big investment instead (Mavic Pro or Platinum), I'd hold on to the extra money and see what the next Mavic offering looks like.