Well-Known Member
I found out about them from the video I watched where they soldered a Spektrum cam and transmitter to a receiver and put it on a RC plane.This is for everyone.
I found out about them from the video I watched where they soldered a Spektrum cam and transmitter to a receiver and put it on a RC plane.This is for everyone.
They have some very nice fpv set ups at reasonable prices..Im sure they will get my business in the near future.I found out about them from the video I watched where they soldered a Spektrum cam and transmitter to a receiver and put it on a RC plane.
Thanks for the adviceHonestly, i think you should get a popular model that you can buy spare parts for..Not all the syma "clones" share the same parts despite looking alike and, parts you will certainly need.I was thinking that too, it's just too risky
If youre going to spend the same money you may as well get the JJRC H5C CF or the Syma are abundant for those 2 models.
An example is the FY326 Q7 i want to get for a hybrid build..nothing but the looks are shared with the x5 but you can still get parts for it.
Also consider protocol which is the word used to describe how the flight board and transmitter communicate to one another...The syma uses a common protocol allowing transmitter upgrades which actually can give the syma better flight with adjustments you cant make with the stock transmitter.
I was going to mention protocol, but couldn't remember the word, some birds and transmitters share protocols so as long as I have ones that share it I'm good, so do any micros and medium size birds share the same protocol, then I would only need 1 transmitter?
The only 2 i recommend is either the syma or the jjrc model for that style quad.
I hear yaThe JJRC actually has some advantages right from the start..More powerful and a much longer range..Also consider its actually a few dollars less...The camera will be as equal to the syma if not better and, you can attach FPV to it just the same as you can the syma and, it actually be capable of handling the weight alot better from the more powerful motors.
I wont spend $50.00 for a quad unless its something custom im making but, Syma or JJRC are the way to go out of the box.
Ive never heard of Zozo or Zoza quads.. I would imagine he would say its better than a syma to make a sale..but, notice he uses syma as the comparison...thats because its so popular.
Google "parts for Zoza" or whatever the name was and see what you come up with.
Once again Mike I can't argue you with your logic, I have been reading that it's fairly new and has flaws and the fact that it can't pan right or left is a big drawback, then again if someone wants to have that ability they should consider a quad that can handle a gimbal, as for the motors, while it's sure innovative, I have yet to find out where you can get them, so how good is that? So it looks like I have it narrowed down to the H5C CF or X5C-1 at least for that size. I appreciate all the good insights.That is pretty much a new model from JJRC...from what i understand the range is not that great on this jjrc model and thats a shame as they usually have great range...I read the antenna was 24mm which would make it less than 1/4 range which is not a good thing...This model seems to have issues...A full 1/4 range should have a 31mm antenna wire on the flight board..I suppose the range issue can be fixed but its a fail out of the box for JJRC on this one
The remote tilt is a first for a "toy" quad...There is a motor that moves it up and down via a switch on the radio...On a hobby quad this would be called a remote gimbal and, i suppose you could call it that for the JJRC as well but its just pan up and down and no left to right.
I wouldnt purchase this model at this time..Consider it a beta test model which has already failed but expect issues to be fixed by JJRC on a new model to succeed this one.
You are correct about the turn it on before flight to record which isnt such a horrible thing considering the better quality they provide...Not all "advertised" 720p cameras are of high quality...Actually most all the 2mp toy cameras are 720...None are better than the 808...Some are even advertised as 1080p like the mobius and are horrible....The mobius is king of the enclosed portable cameras at this time...just too heavy for a smaller quad.
I cant comment much on the motors as i dont know enough about it just yet...It seems jjrc is innovating another feature which time needs to test.
I still suggest the H5C CF or X5C-1
If you want a larger quad, i suggest the Syma X8C.
Any idea what the resolution is?I haven't gotten around to installing my Spektrum mini yet on my Syma but here is what I'm expecting;
Sounds intriguing, just wondering how much the total cost would be VS. say a CX20 or other gimbal capable quad?I already have a new dream hybrid quad in mind.
TARANTULA X6 or DM 007 body
JJRC H11D flight board with SYMA X8C motors (7.4v) with x6 props or DM007 props
JJRC remote Gimbal.
FPV hobby FPV system (200mw)
1500mah 2s lipo
Range mods to JJRC board and Transmitter. (200 meters plus, range.)
Kind of got the idea that this was a first, the guys on rcgroups really tried hard to mod it to make it work right, but to no avail, if it doesn't work out of the box, most people will not bother, what about UDI any good with that company? I wonder if any other companies are going to copy the flight yoke controller they make. I'm sure It really appeals to pilots and armchair pilots like meAs with most all new models it might take a few months before suppliers can stock parts for them..It took almost 4 months before parts for the FY326 was even available.
Despite the remote gimbal not being able to pan left or right, the excitement here is, that a remote gimbal of any sorts has made its way onto a toy quad at such a low price range...In time we may see full remote gimbals and brushless motors and better quality fpv and cameras installed on toy quads.
Right now the 7.4v quads are the power houses capable of carrying full FPV systems.
What i wouldnt mind seeing is brushed motors in 540 size like used in RC cars and boats but they are a bit heavy and draw alot more amps than the toy flight boards are capable of at this time.
Any idea what the resolution is?
Yeah, the reason I asked is because I searched and couldn't find any resolution specs either. I must admit for something that tiny it does look fairly decent.Ya know. Until you asked I wasn't even curious. All the videos I've seen look good so.............. Now that you asked I haven't found anything in the manual or on the manufacturers site that says what the resolution is. As long as it works and the video looks as good as the Youtube examples, I don't really care what the #'s are. When the weather breaks here and I get a little more time on the Syma I'll install it and see.
Pretty much i would forget anything that is wifi untill ALL of them figure out the signal bugs if thats even possible...Even we lose wifi signal via internet...its just going to happen.Get this, latest scambay UDI U818s or is it a Syma Xc5 can't tell lol, cx20 and Phantom and Inspire.
$16.99 lmao. This time they even tell you they are in China, I don't think it's a hijacked account this time, just blatant everyday ecrap scam.
Here's a link just for laughs.
look how they can't even get it straight on what it is lol.