Problem with this page is, if you click on a track to hear it, you can't EXIT the track. I had to fire off my task manager to kill the track, then re=log into my browser. Not very convenient.
I have no such problem. Using Chrome clicking on 'mp3' takes me to the sound screen, hitting the 'back' arrow takes me back to the original screen. With Internet Explorer, right click on 'mp3' and choose open. Again hitting the back arrow gets me back to the original screen. Looks like in IE the sound file is using a QuickTime plugin.
The first time I did it the whole page was just black screen, no navigation buttons or links. I tried it again and now it works. I have no idea what happened the first time. Are these downloadable? Do I have to pay for them?
Now, that is cool! I have a Video/Audio Conversion Business. It might be useful for what I do. See: Yeah, that's sort of a commercial for me...