Bumbling Noob
Awesome!! Thank you so much!
I'll look that up and give it a whirl. Thanks, Doc! <3...Ummmm, looks like your FC is set to CPPM but your RX is set to S-Bus, pretty sure the Vortex can use either modes
so you need to either go through the TX setup menu and change that or plug the RX up differently
You're really close, your receiver is bound and in sBus mode, RSSI is good and connected properly. All you nee do do is go into the configuration tab of Cleanlight and click on Serial RX in the box on the left side. Then right below it, click on sBus. Now go into ports tab and enable Serial RX for UART 2 or 3 (depending on your FC. Don't forget to hit save before leaving any tab
The usb plug on the back of the drone, I don't think is the right one
NO, that is the USB connection you need to use for configuring the FC and/or upgrading the OS firmware !
You will need to have the battery connected because the Vortex cannot be powered through it's USB connector
(remove the props) ... ALSO make sure you're using the USB cable that was supplied (if one was, I dunno) because
there's two types of USB cables: Ones that are only for charging and ones that can charge AND transmit data.
If you, for instance, bought another cable because maybe it's longer and it makes it easier to work on the quad that cable
might not be the type that allows communication
You have to do some disassembly to the quad in order to access and switch the plug positions for changing the FC from
CPPM to S-Bus, so if I was you I'd just leave that alone and use CPPM for the RX. It'll probably be easier than messing
with the FC.
There's not a much difference between using CPPM and S-Bus (as far as performance goes) they're both fast serial protocols,
unlike PWM ... S-Bus chops the commands into short windows for each channel, were CPPM sends them in a single string
(technical stuff you don't really need to know)
I've never experimented with cross-protocol binding, so I don't know if S-Bus will (partially) communicate with CPPM or
vice versa ... But you certainly do need to have both the FC and the RX using the same protocol of course ... lol ... like
Renov8r said, you're really close !![]()
Should something like this work? I used the R6DS because it's marked for ppm.Or do I need a converter?
What am I missing?
I'm not entirely sure that Radiolink is even compatible with the quad