Soooo... Change of plans.. *hangs head in shame* I cancelled the eachine racer 250 order because I ran across a new ImmersionRC Vortex 285 for $199, checked YouTube and finally found a video that covered setting it up with my current radio. I guess that I'm a visual learner because I THINK that I finally understand it! Anyway, I just couldn't pass up getting a vortex for nearly $100 less than the eachine package! I'm so excited!!
As for getting hooked, I'm already hooked. I had 3 other drones before this Eachine fiasco. I got a cheap Syma X5C first to learn the basics of flying. I got half way decent at flying it and then moved up to an MJX X400. I flew it for a little while and then saw racing on ESPN and just HAD to have a racer!
I ended up buying a Arris X-Speed RTF 250B kit, which I immediately fell in LOVE with! I flew it for a couple of months and eventually bent a motor, so I went motor shopping and thought "wooooo, I should get faster motors!" The ESCs were fine, so I went from 2205 2300kv and bought another set of 2205s but 2600kv. The thing was nuts! (well, at least to me.) I was out flying one day, the wind caught it and in a stroke of not very brilliant, I dumped the throttle because it had drifted behind my house, IN THE WRONG DIRECTION! Needless to say, it was never seen again. =(
I had just gotten a cheap pair of goggles and was still getting used to them, so I didn't always fly with them. The time that I lost the drone, I wasn't using FPV.
A few weeks ago, I got a Tiny Whoop to fly around the house and practice flying FPV. Then just last night, 16 year old step-daughter told me that she would like to try it sometime! I gave her the drone and half a dozen packs and turned on the fpv to play around with and in no time at all, she was chasing the dog around the house and having a ball! I told her that if she decided that she liked it, that we could be flying buddies! It looks like I may be buying another controller and getting the newest eachine up and going for her! Yay!