they are good but the best case will be if they will be preflashed with simonK firmware... or at least some easy solution to flash them (not cutting the heatsink, fabricating a connector etc,...) but plug flash and play...
they are good but the best case will be if they will be preflashed with simonK firmware... or at least some easy solution to flash them (not cutting the heatsink, fabricating a connector etc,...) but plug flash and play...
i succesfully powered my KK board... thats not the problem.. the reciever works... thats not the problem... the problem are ESC's... they cant calibrate or spin the motor...Hi mate on the KK you normally power through motor 1 esc , but as your using a BEC you need to plug this into the batt pins on the receiver ( I know it works done it before) the receiver will then power the KK
Look at page 4 of this manual
Yes it is fine, the real test is what they do after you disarm the KK and spin them up. Do they spin up at the same time?so i tried to do a calibration of each ESC.. they spinned the motor but i not heard the beep or flash..... when i hold the button 1 and 4 , switched on the transmitter on max throttle the motor started to spin but no sound or flash from ESC that its OK to put the throttle to idle...
Finally i've got everything right.. the motors spinning the same (hopefuly) but i have concernes only about one thing.. the rudder is a little bit loos, when i release it it will go to it's place but the KK board showing me that it stays a little bit off place... so in real world it could stay right or left (i mean the flying direction)... so now only i need to put props on and try my first flight.. what is the PI calibration ???Yes it is fine, the real test is what they do after you disarm the KK and spin them up. Do they spin up at the same time?
Exactly as Neil said. You might also want to set some expo on your rudder/yaw after you get it trimmed.Hi mate you need to correct the rudder first go into monitor screen and then use sub trim in the radio to zero the rudder or it will be hard to fly, I was reading what you did to calibrate the ESCs can you re do it this way
turn on transmitter and put to full throttle , then hold down buttons 1&4 while you hold them down get some one to plug battery into quad the ,you should get the bleep then reduce throttle it should bleep again
Only now release the buttons this is now calibrated , test motors if all 4 start up at the same time then good if they dont , go into menu misc section there will be a setting for min throttle its normally on 10 bring it up 2 points at a time and retest till the motors start at the same time the max is 20
Now your ready to fit props and test fly remember to arm by holding rudder right disarm hold left
Hahahaha, stick scaling is better, I jsut said expo because more people seem to know how to do it hahah. A real pilot controls his falcon from star wars with only the force hahaYour a bad man George No expo, adjust stick scaling never add expo as this can make the FCB go strange , a good pilot flies with no expo his fingers need to do it all LOL