
  1. D

    Will These Motors Fit a Prop with a 5mm Hole?

    I'm sorry I'm a bit confused with the specs on these motors: Will they fit a prop with a 5mm hole or will...
  2. A

    Syma x13 motor issue...

    I just bought this quadcopter last week. It's the first one I've ever had and I love it. I expected the time would come that I would have to repair it though... There was no spectacular crash. It just stopped working. I just turned it on, started flying it. One minute into enjoyment, it...
  3. D

    Q450 V3 Motor Size?

    Ok so i bought some parts for my new Q450 build from HK and i was wondering what you guys thought is the best esc and motor combo? I was thanking about the MultiStar & Afro Combo Pack - 2216-800KV and Matched 20A Afro ESC
  4. 1

    Betaflight with Airmode Grief

    Hello everyone, I have recently tried to get betaflight on my naze32 rev 6, because I wanted airmode on the quad. Upon getting the board sucessfully flashed, I armed the board, and tried to spin up the motors to no avail. The motors didn't make the startup sound, nor did they spin. I tried...
  5. N

    One Motor doesn't Spin - Only with RC

    Hello, I have finished my first Quad but when I tried to fly it with the Remote Control one Motor just stops after 1-2 sec. The weird thing is that when I spin my motors via cleanFlight on my computer everything works fine. I double checked my remote controls responses with cleanFlight and...
  6. 1

    Lumenier RX2206-11 2350Kv Motor

    Hello everyone, I am working on a new 4s build and am currently looking at the following for motors: T-motor 2204/2206 Lumenier Rx2206 2350kv Cobra 2204 I want the most power at the lowest cost. The Rx2206 cost the same as a T motor 2204. The cobras are always out of stock so out of running...