
  1. Jack19087

    Buzzer Clicks, does not Beep

    I have the Holybro Kakute F4 AIO Flight Controller and I'm having issues with the buzzer feature. I have a buzzer that when provided 5v from a power supply it buzzes as expected. However after soldering to the BUZ pads on the Kakute FC the buzzer simply clicks when activated. I've setup my...
  2. Pmac_84

    Eachine x220 / SP Racing F3 / Betaflight 3.3.2 Buzzer issues

    Hi All - Hoping someone may be able to assist? I'm fairly green when it comes to drones so excuse the terminology ;) So I've recently installed a 5v Matek Lost model beeper to my x220, and followed a pretty straight forward guide - connecting power source to VBAT and then connecting buzzer to...
  3. True911

    I'm searching for the LOUDEST buzzers...

    Awhile back I decided to mount buzzers on everything, but I didn't realize there was much variance between them. The batch I received makes noise but I can barely hear it over the flying quad, while I've heard others that were ear-splitting. Does anyone have suggestions for a source from your...