Search results

  1. Mike

    DJI disabling geofencing in the US

    Interesting! Surprised they're doing this. I thought the FAA was forcing it. DJI said the update would “place control back in the hands of the drone operators,” claiming it is “in line with regulatory principles of the operator bearing final responsibility.” DJI added that the new system...
  2. Mike

    New Logo!

    Your eyes aren't deceiving you. We had a new logo designed and just added it to the forum! The old logo was almost 10 years old and it was time to spruce up the design of this place a bit =) *I still need to fix how it displays on mobile though. It's pretty small in portrait mode. Thanks, Mike
  3. Mike

    Server Maintenance (coming soon)

    Hello all - I am working with my hosting provider to schedule a server upgrade in the next few days. I will post again when this happens, but because I'm doing a complete Linux OS upgrade, I will be building out a new server on the new OS version and moving the data there to avoid any issues...
  4. Mike

    A few more ads...

    Just a heads up - you may see a few more ads throughout the site than just what you've been used to seeing in the header. This is a recent change we made to allow Google Adsense to place ads "optimally" on the site. We're still trying to keep a clean look (unlike a lot of other forums), so...
  5. Mike

    Go Go Bird **GIVEAWAY**

    Before I start - this is open to people with US shipping addresses only. It will cost more than the product is worth to ship international. This isn't exactly a quadcopter, but this company reached out about sending a sample and I agreed as long as they sent two so I can give one away on the...
  6. Mike

    R450 v1 Frames $10 Shipped (to US)

    Hello! I have a bunch of R450 quadcopter frames to get rid of. These are originally from RCTimer. They're basically a clone of the DJI Flamewheel F450 glass fiber frame that everyone used to build their quads with. They are the v1 frame (no built in PCB). I have built a couple of different...
  7. Mike

    Missing Posts / Threads / Avatars

    After investigating the issues we've had, I can confirm that it looks like we lost most posts/threads from Friday, May 3. I'm still working on the missing avatars issue. I should have those in backups and can hopefully restore them.
  8. Mike

    Forum Down Time

    I just attempted to upgrade the forum software. That was a bust! 2.5 hours of down time =( Sorry guys! It's 2:00 AM here now. I will try again tomorrow after I figure out what went wrong. I restored from backup, but we shouldn't have lost any posts since I took a snapshot right before the...
  9. Mike

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    I know it's late, but I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year from the forum. I also want to thank you all for being members of the community we've built around this awesome hobby! I've been so busy these past few months that I didn't even get a chance to get the...
  10. Mike

    Forum is up!

    Sorry guys, we've been having a lot of issues with our hosting provider lately. The forum was down for more than a day. Everything seems good now, but we're looking into what's going on with our servers.
  11. Mike

    Forum back up!

    Sorry. Not sure what's going on with our hosting, but this is the second time we've had the site hard down for at least an hour in the past couple months. Going to look into it further to see what's going on. Everything should be good now though! Thanks, Mike
  12. Mike

    Forum Down (for about an hour)

    Hello! Your eyes weren't mistaken. The forum was down for about the past hour. There were some issues with the server, but they're all resolved now. Shoot me a private message if you notice any further issues! Remember, you can also always check out our twitter for updates when the forum is...
  13. Mike

    Forum Down Today (earlier) - *Resolved

    The forum was down today for about four hours due to a hardware issue our hosting company was having. Everything is back online and appears to be working as expected. If anyone has any issues, please reply here and we'll look into them! Thanks for your patience and sorry for the...
  14. Mike

    Brief Outage

    Sorry about the brief outage a few minutes ago. We were troubleshooting some errors and had to reboot the web server. Everything should be good now =)
  15. Mike

    Merchant Tag

    You may notice some members with the "Merchant" tag on their name. If we notice users posting "reviews" or other information that shows bias toward or against a company and we confirm after investigating that they are actually representing a company, we will slap the "Merchant" tag on their...
  16. Mike

    The forum is back online!

    *We're also sending this out as an email to registered members. There's nothing worse than getting this email from the company who hosts your web servers: Unfortunately, the site was down for more than a full day before they got to this point. From there, we had to spin up a new environment...
  17. Mike (everything marked down)

    A while back, we started to make a few bucks to pay for the hosting of this forum. We made a few sales here and there, but never even sold out our initial inventory, so I just marked everything down about up to 40% to start clearing it out so we can get some newer, more in...
  18. Mike

    Forum Upgrade

    I just did a quick upgrade on the forum. Downtime was less than 5 minutes or so. There was also an issue earlier in the week where we had a crashed database and had to repair it. Everything seems to be in good shape now, but if anyone notices anything funny, just shoot me a message or reply...
  19. Mike

    Forum Outage This Morning

    This morning, the forum was down for about 3.5 hours due to a DNS issue. It took a long time to resolve, but everything should be running smooth now. Sorry for the inconvenience! And please message me or reply to this thread if you notice any further issues. Thanks! Mike
  20. Mike

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and happy holidays to the rest! Hopefully you got everything you asked Santa (or whoever) for this year! Mike