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  1. wafflejock

    Flight time/Lift up issue with 1S Battery under 4V (Mobula6 HD)

    It's public now the forum just has some gates to stop from getting flooded with spam. Regarding the issue, a battery "dipping" below 4V when under "load" or when supplying current for motors go turn. The amount of dip you're saying isn't bad but the quad should be able to fly down to about...
  2. wafflejock

    LiPo battery charge level for storage

    Yup a regular multimeter is typically gonna be better calibrated and give more accurate readings than cheap lipo testers but those do exist. You can just use some wire attached to your probes to stick into the balance lead or test the average from the main battery leads and get a pretty good...
  3. wafflejock

    Motor is not spinning

    Without any signal if using blheli based escs you should hear three startup tones (ba da ba) when battery power is supplied if they also then "see" a 0 throttle signal they will make two more sounds (beep boop). If you don't get the first three there's a problem with the power/GND from battery...
  4. wafflejock

    Motor is not spinning

    You'll need to be sure the ESCs and whatever is sending them signals (sounds like pixhawk) have a common GND connection because the signal uses GND reference point for "knowing" when a signal gets above the "high" threshold.
  5. wafflejock

    LiPo battery charge level for storage

    Yup I've seen 3.7-3.85 as the range of good for storage long term. So long as not at 4.2V they will do better but if can get them close to 50% even safer, you don't want the charge per cell to ever dip below 3.0V and on the shelf not connected to anything they typically won't drain really aside...
  6. wafflejock

    Taranis x9, no movement in reciever tab in betaflight.

    The ports tab serial rx selection, and configuration tab receiver option both need to be correct to see stick motion in the receiver tab.
  7. wafflejock

    Taranis x9, no movement in reciever tab in betaflight.

    In the configuration tab under receiver protocol think you should have frsky selected not spektrum, spektrum is a competing company with frsky and the protocols aren't compatible as far as I know.
  8. wafflejock

    Trouble with wires on my sg906 pro 2 beast drone

    If you have a soldering iron or get one and can learn to use it then you can always repair broken wires or replace components but some are harder to replace than others. In this case since wires torn shouldn't be that bad to repair but you'd need to get the gimbal housing/plastic off to see...
  9. wafflejock

    Rx signal, but motors don’t spin

    You may have "motor stop" option enabled top right of config tab. If throttle is above 0 when trying to arm it won't be allowed... If you have fpv goggles and on screen display hooked up can go into the osd tab and enable "warnings" toggle to see why it isn't arming. If no osd/goggles can see...
  10. wafflejock

    R/C and FPV frequencies

    I'll see if I can give more helpful answer later specific to your problem but figured at least pwm I can explain off hand :D it is a steep curve for all of us for sure.
  11. wafflejock

    R/C and FPV frequencies

    An Arduino or for our common flight controllers a stm32 arm chip with internal timers can generate at least a few pwm signals without much issue (libraries make it as easy as import the servo lib and make a function call)
  12. wafflejock

    R/C and FPV frequencies

    Haha yah the expresslrs/elrs stuff is a bit in the deep end but sounds like you have a fairly good understanding on the radio side of things. PWM is pulse width modulation, it's not too complicated really just a "square wave" signal (looks like a square on a scope with sharp increase in voltage...
  13. wafflejock

    R/C and FPV frequencies

    One thing to be aware of is the ELRS modules use the crossfire wire protocol (send stuff from receiver to FC in the same way) the over the air protocol is different but they do overlap in that way and it means any FC hooked up to an ELRS module will be able to understand crossfire protocol on...
  14. wafflejock

    R/C and FPV frequencies

    To introduce a third option I'm moving my stuff to ELRS or ExpressLRS which is an open source RX/TX option that is just rolling out and boasts better performance/range than TBS crossfire and is more affordable to boot. The downside is it's still very early days of active development in terms of...
  15. wafflejock

    Rekon5 X-XSR and Transmitter issues.

    Make sure in configuration tab the right protocol is selected and make sure in ports tab the correct uart is selected with serial rx toggled on.
  16. wafflejock

    Rekon5 X-XSR and Transmitter issues.

    Sometimes the actual antenna length (if on a different frequency) or hardware behind it doing the "modulating/demodulation" gets changed.
  17. wafflejock

    Rekon5 X-XSR and Transmitter issues.

    Yah if have the coin to drop on the new tx it will likely make life easier, that said make sure whatever one you get has a "Jr module bay" aka a swappable TX bay and that way if ever need/want to change your tx protocol can just get a new module that supports it instead of going through the...
  18. wafflejock

    “Switch” quadcopter motors?

    You can also pop over to and put in whatever values you know or can measure, prop size rough prop pitch (might be matter of finding similar props online for getting those values though) and then see what it spits out regarding flight time expected and power to weight etc. and see if it...
  19. wafflejock

    Rekon5 X-XSR and Transmitter issues.

    Not enough info to help ya out, always include specific hardware you're using ideally links so can make sure we're all talking about the same thing. Here I'm not sure what TX you're using so can't really suggest what to try. Also keep in mind the SD cards shipped with TXes are kind known to be...
  20. wafflejock

    “Switch” quadcopter motors?

    There are some methods for working out what the original kv was but need a few pieces of electronics test kit to figure that out: Text/Image version I realize not everyone has a $500+ scope sitting around...