Recent content by RENOV8R

  1. RENOV8R

    Flynoceros Cerberus V3

    Great, thanks. I'll mark it on my calendar
  2. RENOV8R

    Flynoceros Cerberus V3

    Sorry for the delay, haven't been on in a while. It's still available, however all my gear is packed up and in storage for a move to a new house in early February. As soon as I'm moved in and unpacked we could discuss a deal if you can wait that long. Tim
  3. RENOV8R

    What Did You 3D Print Today?

    Did you happen to check if it increased the print time? Pretty cool though, thanks for the tip
  4. RENOV8R

    Newbie Drone build help needed

    Before you flash inav, go into your CLI and type diff all, then enter. Copy and save to a file and when you go back to betaflight, just paste it back into the CLI to restore old settings
  5. RENOV8R

    Helimax Form 500

    Doesn't seem to exist anymore. Bummer, as this is not a cheap quad. The only solution I can think of is to change the flight controller.
  6. RENOV8R

    What Did You 3D Print Today?

    Stand for my Ukulele, 18 hour print
  7. RENOV8R

    What Did You 3D Print Today?

    I have the Monoprice Maker Select Plus. I've done lots of mods but quite honestly, not a lot of them are "necessary". There are lots of guys who talk about owning one for 2-3 years with no mods and still going strong. And yes, I use basically Cura generic PLA and PETG settings with just small...
  8. RENOV8R

    What Did You 3D Print Today?

  9. RENOV8R

    How much stuff can I control from my FC?

    You can control all your devices through extra channels on a correct reciever
  10. RENOV8R

    Newbie with Potensic T18 - advice needed?

    It really depends on what country you're from but in general any drone weighing over 250 grams needs to be licenced. In most countries, the height ceiling is 400 feet. RTH is a straight line thing however you need to read your manual as there are many settings. But if you're asking if it will...
  11. RENOV8R

    Chinese long range drone kit?

    What's your budget?
  12. RENOV8R

    What Did You 3D Print Today?

    Yes, I had a pretty nice airbrush and compressor. Lent it to my brother and never saw it again
  13. RENOV8R

    What Did You 3D Print Today?

    Yes, I'd be interested in seeing what you could do. I've seen some videos of some that have done some very detailed airbrushing and one that he used some watered-down acrylic paint and dirt from the garden to give the bones a weathered look. As for that 250% model, yes I think it took him...
  14. RENOV8R

    What Did You 3D Print Today?

    No, actually this is the original size. I saw a video of a guy who did it at 250% and it was the size of a Shetland pony! And if I remember, he did it on a CR-10
  15. RENOV8R

    What Did You 3D Print Today?

    Here he is in all his glory, the T-Rex. This is no coffee table piece, measuring a little over 24 inches lol