Also I don't think the PWM ports can necessarily act as a UART, PWM is a simple on off pulsed signal, and the percentage of "ON" or "HIGH" (usually 5V) vs "off" or "LOW" (usually 1.5V or below probably 0V) is basically taken as a percentage and then mapped to some range (say 0V = value of 1000, 5V = value of 2000, 50% on would be like 2.5V average or interpreted value of 1500). The signal is typically a 1.5ms-2ms pulse and is repeated 50 times per second or at 50Hz
A UART on the other hand is a serial protocol with Transmit and Receive lines and can run at various Baud rates from 9600 up to like 256000 (possibly faster in some cases but typical range is somewhere around here), baud rate isn't exactly bits per second but think signals per second still gives some idea it needs to deal with 9600 ons/offs a second vs like 50. Also a PWM is just output (so maybe could act as a poor mans TX) but if you can't switch the pin on the MCU from "output mode" to "input mode" and it doesn't have any serial hardware behind it in the MCU then I don't think it's doable (can see the Arduino SoftwareSerial library it might tell you otherwise but I think that's the closest I've heard to this).
Things to keep in mind if looking at Arduino stuff, community there mostly deals with "standard Arduino" is a AVR architecture chip with a board around it. That said have seen some things like Photon boards that use STM32 based MCUs and can use Arduino libs (to some degree) so maybe something to be learned there.