Recent content by mozquito1

  1. mozquito1

    Esc & motor problem

    I recently bought a new standard 30a esc put a motor on it & hooked it up to a speed controller tester & it was fine. So I put it in my wing & when I went to calibrate it in inav it makes a clicking noise, prop turn a few mm but rocks back & forth. So I tried a new motor & same. Took esc & motor...
  2. mozquito1

    Fc compatibility with frsky rx

    I got a quad with dys 1806 5" tri blade props that I run 4s on & they are rated 3S. Just a bunch of old components I threw together for my nephew to practice with. Should only really be a 4" prop or a less aggressive pitch on the 5". I had this when I first started. I crashed a quad & had...
  3. mozquito1

    Fc compatibility with frsky rx

    I've got 5 tiptop quads on my wall & 2 wings. & could have a few more if I could get the F3 boards flashed I found in a box. Old but pristine. I got the last omnibus hex files 4.0 & 3.5.7 but they don't flash. It will be the same with F1 boards aswell. So I would stay away from F1 & F3 unless...
  4. mozquito1

    Jumper T-Pro Controller Not Connecting to Velocidrone

    Is there any drivers to download, check manual. If I delete any drivers for my flight controllers or any ports my pc does not recognise them at all. I then have to download & install & they are OK.
  5. mozquito1

    Seeking Business Partner (Las Vegas)

    What happened to the last venture ) : We play with quads & planes & here is Tony stark pitching to dragons den he wants Bob lazar on his next venture. An extensive black budget government contract no less. Only jesting Louis ol pal. So come on how much do you want Viva la$ Vega$ Couldn't...
  6. mozquito1

    Any Hubsan h107c+ mods i can get?

    Everything can be modded. The web says 100m range but the rx is probably built in with fcb & esc. I'd have to open it up to see if you could disable the rx & if could not, add my own but that means a new tx/rx... Other than that, there isn't any. Maybe snip the light to get about 15 seconds...
  7. mozquito1

    Newbie here, I am Sherry. Yangda VTOL drones

    Hello, I'm moz
  8. mozquito1

    Old F3's for old Farts.

    Aaah bless you. Knit one pearl one, next door, ok
  9. mozquito1

    Need a drone, what should I buy..?

    My memory is bad recently but I'm pretty sure I've said you sound like a cop, hence your name. Spot on though. Questionable. Why all the tracking, get the scuba gear on & put some GPS trackers on what you want tracking. Sounds like he maybe paparazzi or something or could be totally legit for...
  10. mozquito1

    Hi, I've got everything set up but transmitter input won't get motors spinning. Any ideas?

    I'm using same Tx. are you using ibus. Best using arm on a switch as the stick arm is dangerous. If for some reason both sticks get to the disarm position while flying it's a dodo. My arm is on aux5 - SWA switch.
  11. mozquito1

    When I move up the throttle on my drone, the propellers keep spinning faster and faster despite me no longer moving the throttle stick up. Any ideas?

    If props are off this is normal. Put some props on & go for it, just be ready to disarm. I'm running old multishot so have to calibrate every time I go out. You don't need to with D shot. Calibrate in BF by check box in motor tab (props off) move master to max,plug lipo in, wait for beeps to...
  12. mozquito1

    Old F3's for old Farts.

    I'm back after a few years off hobby, due to an accident at work. Bad head injury. Had a fractured skull which left me with headaches blurred vision & temporary loss of sight, shakes. I tried last year to get back into it but struggle with concentration & looking @ a screen. Thing is now I'm...
  13. mozquito1

    When did the first hobby/toy drones appear?

    Earliest I can remember was Charpu back around the same time 13/14. Touted as the best pilot in the world. When really he was poo compared to what standard himself & other pilots eventually got to. Haven't seen anything of him for years.. I never got into this till 2015. I can't put the hours...
  14. mozquito1

    Holy Stone HS190 flys up out of control

    Probably bust from hitting the ceiling so many times. You should be able to post pics & links after 3 posts.
  15. mozquito1

    Problems with my first diy quad

    It's all learning. Good luck with the exams as well.