Well-Known Member
I can't see the pics??????
Don't drill holes in your landing gear!
guessing the mosfet or something else on board popped from the high loads and it fell.
So I'm gonna be modifying this Syma X8 to try and get it to run longer, and require less power to get off the ground. Also, I plan to enhance the camera mount while using a SJ type camera. Please excuse the mess on my tool box/work bench right now, I haven't tidied up after this weeks projects yet.
*NOTE* I do not recommend you taking weight out of your quad, this is purely an educational adventure for me to learn how these things react to weight and with some weight taken out. Anything you see here should be done at your own risk.
Please bare with me as I am just getting started on the mods. The first mod I begin with is on the landing gear although I am not sure I'll be keeping stock gear once I receive the extended phantom vision stuff I ordered. Will have to snatch a scale from work at the ash testing station.
Here is the Cam, it is a "SJ8000" type cam with "4K/30FPS" or 1080p/60FPS.
The X8 Gimbal i am using, has the 4 rubber isolators.
Combined weight of the SJcam+Gimbal
Weight of Phantom Vision Gear I decided to try out with this combo
**Weight Reduction - I did not remove all of these parts except for testing, and weighing purposes. Do as you wish with yours and this is purely educational.
Beginning weight without Lipo - 448g
My goal is to get as close to this with the new SJCam and Mount, or at least eliminate the cams weight.
Drilled 5 holes in landing gear legs on the front flat surface to reduce weight without sacrificing the strength. I also weight matched the set of 4 To help with trims and hovering!
Here is the weight of the legs after the mod.
Motor Covers
Prop Shaft Covers
Battery Mod, also took 1gram of weight away.
*Lubrication* - This is something I can recommend doing to any Syma X8, the way the shaft is designed it will need lubricating or else will wear prematurely.
My Lube of choice for my Quads
Anywhere you see metal, is where I apply lube to regularly. This helps reduce noise, wear and motor stress.