here's a list of training drills I put together for myself when I was first learning. Don't think I ever properly completed the list, but I reckon I can do them all now if I tried.
1) Facing away, simple hover holding in place, low altitude, slightly higher (1m), land again. Check trims. Can kill throttle about 1” above ground. Anything goes wrong, kill throttle. Do for a whole battery pack !
2) Choose several targets, facing away, fly to each target, land, take off again, rhs stick only
3) Facing away, hover, slow square, then slow circle clkws and then aclkwse using just rhs stick
4) Hover drone and rotate it to 10oclock posn, hover, 2oclock, 9oclock, 3oclock, keeping in place. Nudge fwds and bkwds (and roll) for feel
5) Nose-in hovering, keeping in place, nudge. – whole battery pack !
6) 7 oclock and 5 oclock in-place hovering, nudge.
7) Rotate 360 deg in-place hovering
8) Nose-in target hopping
9) Whilst hovering, switch between nose-n and nose-out, staying in place, sideways, whole pack.
10) Yaw to face, then slow circle clkws and then aclkwise with rhs stick – controls reversed
11) Facing away, figure of 8 with rhs stick, clckwise and aclkwise
12) Yaw to face, fig of 8 again, clckwise and aclkwise
13) Turning while flying forward using elevator and yaw only, clkwse circle and aclkwise circle. Nose leading
14) Banked turns, yaw+roll+pitch together, clkwse circle and aclkwise circle. Nose leading
15) Elev and yaw large fig8, clckwsw and aclkws, nose leading. Try sideways fig8 first, start in middle at 90deg, and nose-out for each edge. Then can try nose-on each edge, front-back fig8
16) Banked turn fig8, clkws and aclkws, nose leading
of course I can still fly at headlong speed into stone steps too, like i did the other day, had to bend my gymbal back into shape - ho hum.