Looking for some opinions on this frame. It seems on the heavy side but looks sturdy, price is right too. Thanks for any help all. Sorry I couldn't link it, I'm too new.
I typed that into Google and a zimmer frame came up
I can't find it, so what site is it on.?
Intended use and components eg camera gimbal. But looking at around 1000kv motors. I just seen an emax 2213 935 kv
3S that pulls only 9amps on 10" props.
So 20amp esc's are OK. Pixhawk fcb if you can afford one. Otherwise any F4 running inav should be fine.
The only flight programs I would use now are betaflight for acro and your not doing acro wit that so leaves inav.
I wouldn't bother with cleanflight or butterflight as these are falling by the wayside. Inav has far better features for missions with way points RTH, loiter and GPS options.