Hey guys. I just had my first flight today with the drone. It went bad.
I was at a place with trees around maybe 40 meters away. I was flying normally at 90m altitude for a few minutes, without any problems. But then, my drone randomly came home on its own. I was able to control and move the descent and it went perfectly in the landig pad. I don't know why it did that. But then, i turned my motor back on, and flew up about 60m high, then pressed the forward joystick for about a second. After that, the drone kept going forward, even though at this point i was pulling the stick backwards. This was maybe 1 second. Then, it also started going to the right, so it was going forward and right. It kept going for about 2-3 seconds, when it hit the top of the tree. I have no idea why it did that. Can someone please explain it to me? It crashed, i heard a crack, went to get it, one of the landing legs broke off, and the camera gimbal is not perfectly level now. Also, in the landing legs, there is a white wire that goes into it (the leg is openable) and some kind of metal tube.