The top is using 9x4.7 and flight time without the gimbal and a different landing gear was around 10 minutes. The hex is 812mm, and I have not had time to fix it and maiden it yet, the aluminium motor mounts in the center allot the screws to go in too far so I have to shim it out a bit hahaha.Nice! What size props are on the top quad? I am guessing that the hex is 650mmish? What are your flight times?
I think the top middle one has a small technical problem hahaha.Emax 250,nighthawk 300, 350 QX350 ( home made frame), HH faze, Kodo Dromida. View attachment 1031
Haahahaha, that the a common bane/joy to us allyeah picking up new motors today. 1 caught fire, and the other the hole on my carbon fiber prop was too small so rather then file it out i rammed it on and got it stuck. so when torquing on it with a pipe wrench wrecked the motor lol.
Think I spend more time fixing than flying these days !
They make the arms on the frame easier to break and can make the quad tipsy haha. I had some similar legs.IDK, they look pretty cool. Don't they work good?
IDK, they look pretty cool. Don't they work good?
as George says, they do make it a bit tipsy - unless you have very clean landings it's possible for them to trip the quad over onto its nose. They're also a bit heavy compared to those white plastic ones.
Weirdest thing though is that when I'm flying and it's near-silhouetted against the sky, it looks like a wire-frame cube, and a couple of times i've had that optical illusion pop into my head, where you're not sure whether you're looking at the cube from the outside or the inside:
... and when you're flying l.o.s and it looks like your quad is pointing straight at the ground, that's rather disturbing !
Bought a new flying camera today...couldn't resist, they came down in price and they threw in a hard shell backpack to boot!