well 2 days in and still no air time, my first problem was that no information was showing on the receiver tab, now after fiddling with settings it cant find it
I'm really getting sick of all this nothing is working for me, is there any factory reset I can do for the drone, betaflight and flight controller and start from scratch?
Could some one either talk me through it or recommend a video. If someone would be happy to give me a video call/voice call or even talk me through step by step one night I could pay, I feel like its taking me two days to do something that can be done in an hour....
I'm getting so frustrated... just want to fly got all my batteries and charger and parallel charging boards, even the buzzers too the only thing I'm waiting for are my goggles to arrive, god help me connect to that because I cant even get the motors to spin for longer than 3 seconds let alone take off....