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DJI S550+
This totally reliable setup has served me well for over 2 years flying all over Europe and is ready to go straight to work or flying for fun.
Fitted with the Zenmuse H3-3D this is a 3 Axis Stabilised Drone with an attached Modified GoPro for interchangeable Lens. Currently fitted with a Ragecams 5.4mm Flat Lens at cost of $289.99 alone, it also comes with with selection of other a Non Fisheye Lenses and the Standard GoPro Lens.
The above modification means this is an extremely flexible setup. Being able to change Lens with the same Drone and Gimbal is a feature reserved normally for Drones in the £10,000+ mark.
For ease of use the Drone is fitted with DJI FPV Video Transmitter System on 5.8GHz with the addition of optional Clover Leaf Antennas for extended range and quality. Along with DJI iOSD On Screen Display that gives vital flight data and information to aid you for safer flying. And DJI BTU Bluetooth unit for ease and flexibility to adjust setting via your iPhone or iPad on the fly, in the field without needing to haul and connect your Laptop to the NAZA-M V2 Flight Controller.
The airframe is fitted with the best in the business landing gear AeroxCraft F550 Landing gear with optional extra Vibration Isolation Kit and Silicone Gel Isolators is remove all traces of 'jello' or vibration from frame to the camera. And then the Gear was modified to address only issue with AXC landing gear, to remove excess weight. Modified and fitted with Carbon Fibre tube Landing Legs which are not only lighter, stronger, but never enter your shot and are easily removable for transport, making this is a very portable solution.
Graupner Carbon Composite E-Props give peace of mind that unlike plastic standard blades, won't crack or shatter. Blades stronger, also stiffer result in much sharper handling characteristics making for a more responsive control in flight
Included are Sigma Pro Peak Charger + Leads for 3S & 4S
and a Spares Package including Blades, Parts, Tools and more.
All Videos linked in comments are Aerials shot with this very Drone
This flexibility to change lenses and points of view, is a feature normally only available on £10,000+ setups.
Parts Retail at over £2000, breakdown in this pdf
1250 Delivered UK
Spares, Tools in pics included also
Can be seen flying or delivered anywhere in the UK