Charles Prest
I went over the pre-flight checks on the KK Multicopter sight. Everything seemed in order until I got to the part of reversing the roll. When I attempted to reverse the roll I had the gain pot setting backwards. No big deal, right? Just do it again inverting the minimum. Wrong, after I did it I could not get the board to arm, period. I downloaded a different firmware (minsoo kim's latest) and when I tried to arm, the led just kept blinking as thought it was waiting for a response. My pots were all set at 50% so that should not have been an issue. I decided to download a different firmware. In this case I downloaded KK's 4.7 and now I can get it to arm and set the ESC's but motor 4 will not spin. I have repeated the ESC setting to no avail. I tried a different motor and that did not work either. The board I own is from JMT: KKmulticopter V5.5 Board V2.2 Program + USB Programmer Firmware Loader. Also I cannot get the USBASP loader to connect to AVR's Studio4. I discovered M4 will turn if I pitch or roll but another motor will stop. Oh, this is a X copter. Any suggestions?