... You know it's a toy when people refer to their life expectancy in hours ... lmao ...
Well Doctor, I'm sure I'm not telling you anything, but if anybody gets a chance, take a Syma X5 motor apart and look at how small the tiny fingers are that are the brushes! They are two or three thin brass "fingers" not much thicker or wider than a hair from your head! The are like three strands from a piece of braided wire. I was shocked at how small the brushes are. I can't believe the motors last as long as they do!
And five hours flight time is a lot for a toy drone..... given the batteries only last a bit more than 5 minutes. Five hours at five minutes a flight is a lot of flights!
Nobody is suggesting drone pilots just fly Syma X5's. But they ARE great starter drones. I own 18 drones of various configurations and price ranges, but I still love my TOY Syma X5's. I will always keep some Syma X5's around!