
  1. Eyes to the Sky's

    QAV 250. Ok for a first build?

    Debating on wheather to purchase a QAV 250 for a first build. I like the look of these and was just wondering any ones thoughts as to this being a good idea? Or any other suggestions on a decent 250 frame for 1st build. I like the pdb on these frames and have also seen somd nice 3d printed...
  2. X

    Battery charging - How/When etc.(HELP)

    What is the BEST way(or correct way)to charge your battery`s. I am new with QC,i baught the Syma X11c,it has 3.7V 250Mah Li-poly Battery included and i baught a 300Mah extra,i used them about ones a week,and after 3 mounths they where EMPTY The shop where i baught them saying i should always...