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  1. Jackson

    Something a tad different from what we see here

    This guy is quite the experimenter, he's always building/trying everything. Currently he's plane obsessed.
  2. Jackson

    My favorite Korean

  3. Jackson

    A little Thanksgiving humor.

  4. Jackson

    Any Cardists out there.

    Didn't realize how big the whole card thing is. Took him 20 minutes to reach his initial goal.
  5. Jackson

    Big Sale
  6. Jackson

    Painless360 vs. UAV Futures

    Painless360 has to be one of the best out there when it comes to building, with well thought out and explained videos covering all aspects and quirks. Then came the rather annoying, always yelling UAV Futures who mainly covers pre-builts. You used to be able to see how much they had raised...
  7. Jackson

    Very cool The dude likes to make things.
  8. Jackson

    My fav crazy guy...

  9. Jackson

    need help identifying polarity

    These are speaker output wires from a little amp board. Can anyone identify what the polarity is? Thanks.
  10. Jackson

    Worth a look

  11. Jackson

    A little add on to aid in orientation :)

    Looks cool.
  12. Jackson

    Big time drone

    Some interesting stuff.
  13. Jackson

    Need to upgrade my PC... on the cheap

    Well my old and trusty PC which I put together in 2009 just ain't cutting it. I can only play the first map on Freerider with the graphics turned down, it chokes on the others. Trying to do any sort of editing with VSDC free editor is also laughable. So what's a po' boy to do. Well it starts...
  14. Jackson

    Master of the micro

    Benedikt is a hoot. Nice digs.
  15. Jackson

    Mini PIX F4 Flight Controller

    Saw this the other day. Many purists are complaining that it only seems to work with Radiolink's version of Mission Planner...
  16. Jackson

    Cheap camera

    I was looking for a camera to strap to the Bugs 2 I won. The video it produces is not very good, my inexpensive cell phone looks better. I have an old, built like a brick Dazzne P2 that weighs 92 grams naked, seems like a bit too much to drag around. This camera comes in at 58 grams. I...
  17. Jackson

    Oh what the the heck :)

    Quite the deal. I'll cut the arms down to ~8". They used sell just the yaw mechanism for more than that.
  18. Jackson

    Finally won something!

    Just came from Gearbest.
  19. Jackson

    New motors at the right price.

    Motors like this can only help the hobby.