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  1. J

    Suggestions for FrSky Rx use on RC crawler

    My receiver arrived. Other than being a pain to press the button during the registration process, it is great. Upon implementing my above config, I found that dedicated switch position for crab walking was not useful and switch that to the momentary switch, making free (using left stick) the...
  2. J

    Suggestions for FrSky Rx use on RC crawler

    Ok, for anyone who finds this thread, the control of the rear steer was pretty simple. In my setup, the radio is setup as follows... Right Stick Ch1 Ail => Front Steering Ch2 Elv => Unused Left Stick Ch3 Thr => Throttle Ch4 Rud => Rear Steering What thru me for a loop was understanding that...
  3. J

    Suggestions for FrSky Rx use on RC crawler

    My want is for a rear steer functionality to be based on a combination of a 3 pos switch and ch1 which is my right stick used for steering with Rear Steer Servo on ch 5. Switch Position => Action Pos 0 => Disable Rear steer Pos 1 => Ch1 and Ch5 the same (tighter steering) Pos 2 => Ch1 and Ch5...
  4. J

    Suggestions for FrSky Rx use on RC crawler

    Well, after alot of conversations, I have settled on the FrSky Archer R6. Hopefully it will work out, we will see when it gets here.
  5. J

    Suggestions for FrSky Rx use on RC crawler

    Can you elaborate on the ELRS tx module? Would this be something that could allow me to use my Tactic Rx's? Radiomaster, is there compatibility between them and Taranis?
  6. J

    Suggestions for FrSky Rx use on RC crawler

    I should include that my radio is a ACCESS version.
  7. J

    Suggestions for FrSky Rx use on RC crawler

    Currently using a Tactic TTx 850 for use on my Crawlers and Monster Truck. I own Taranis QX7 for my 2 quads which I want to move my land vehicles over from the TTX850. I am looking for suggestions as to which Rx would be a good option. I need at least 6ch for 1 of my crawlers as I have...
  8. J

    Taranis Q X7 Access Out of Box Config needed

    OMG, the solution makes no sense… Please keep in mind, we are talking about Factory Reset. Per the demo in this video for the QX7S How to Reset Taranis Q X7S radio to Factory Default Settings On the 5th page of the Radio Menu which is titled "Version", displayed very clearly is "[Menu Long]...
  9. J

    Taranis Q X7 Access Out of Box Config needed

    Moderator, I posted the same result to both threads.
  10. J

    WTB Soldering service

    OMG OMG OMG...... Please keep in mind, we are talking about Factory Reset. Per the demo in this video for the QX7S How to Reset Taranis Q X7S radio to Factory Default Settings You goto the 5th page which is titled "Version", displayed very clearly is "[Menu Long] Factory Rest" (no scrolling)...
  11. J

    WTB Soldering service

    Follow up: The current (I am guessing) QX7S is $220. I wonder if I purchase it and create a backup of the Default setup (with 1 dummy model ~ pre bind), could that be restored to my QX7 I have. Assuming both had the same firmware and OpenTX version.
  12. J

    WTB Soldering service

    Simply put, I want it reset to Out of Box default where it has NO models and is going thru the Inital Setup and first model registration. I have made a lot of changes to settings such as the channel order for example. And I am too new to know what default settings are, and of course I did not...
  13. J

    Taranis Q X7 Access Out of Box Config needed

    Message sent.
  14. J

    Taranis Q X7 Access Out of Box Config needed

    Thank you for the reference, I will try that.
  15. J

    Taranis Q X7 Access Out of Box Config needed

    Holtneil, I have looked at alot of those. Unfortantly, the radio I dont have (unlike the prior version) does not have the ability. I would be happy to share pictures as compared to some of those videos I have watched several times in the last year. There are some hacks where you have to...
  16. J

    WTB Soldering service

    DugDog, This is not about getting back to when I bought it as that would not be smart unless it was believe that a string of firmware updates corrupted the current flash (Assuming that was possible, which we know isnt). We also know that assuming a successful flash of current software will wipe...
  17. J

    Taranis Q X7 Access Out of Box Config needed

    I own a Taranis QX7 Access where I have made a lot of changes to model and radio setting while learning, troubleshooting, and tuning, and when I tried to perform a Factory Reset I found that is not a option. When I do a firmware flash, I see radio configurations which remain. How do I go about...
  18. J

    WTB Soldering service

    I bought this model pre built as I have medical issue which hinders my ability to perform such small soldering. That said, I have the tadpole back together as I puchased it and I am fighting my controller and reciever. I need to start a thread to ask for a default config for a Taranis Q X7...
  19. J

    WTB Soldering service

    I own a Weller WE1010NA which is a pretty nice soldering station with temp regulation and a high temp of 850 degrees F. including I have really small flux core lead free solder and tip clean as well as a fine tip cone soldering tip. I am about as prepared as I can be. I have everything but...
  20. J

    WTB Soldering service

    Pierce County Wa I have a Armatan Tadpole with 1204 motors which need to be replaced. I have bought 4 new Arthur motors and tried to solder the 1st replacement motor to the board and failed to get a clean solder to those small pads. I am willing to pay someone to do this work for me. i am...