Search results

  1. Bannerman

    New to Quads

    Start your flying practice where there is no wind. Indoors is good ! When you go outdoors, stay low (head height) at first (to avoid tree climbing). Watch some "E99 drone review" videos on Youtube. (This is learning the cheap way. Mistakes are expensive. )
  2. Bannerman

    Looking for members knowledgeable in solar system i.e. 12v lithium battery, pure sine wave invert etc

    Any heater that burns fuel, gas or diesel or kerosene (or wood or coal), must have the exhaust vented out of the house. Otherwise you will suffocate. Solar and wind power systems cannot be relied on in winter, because there may be no sunshine or wind for several days (or weeks). Anyway...
  3. Bannerman

    Quad wire size?

    There are many different quad motors of many different sizes, all taking different currents ! Big ones usually take more than small ones ! The manufacturer's datasheet for the motor will indicate the maximum current that it should draw. Or possibly the supplier you bought it from could advise...
  4. Bannerman

    Quad wire size?

    The wire size is determined by the maximum electric current drawn by the motor. So you need to know that first. There may be some clues on the motor's datasheet. There are many cable manufacturer's websites that will have a chart. Or you can google "What wire size is needed to carry X...
  5. Bannerman

    replacing 1 motor out of 4.. How to match them?

    Although 4 identical motors may have some slight differences, the (basic hobby drone) electronic control system automatically adjusts the motor speeds (and thus the thrust) to maintain it level, by sensing the drone's movement and compensating for inequalities. This system may possibly work...
  6. Bannerman

    Drone tilts before it takes off

    Looking carefully at your video, the drone tilts slightly it takes off, so that two rotors hit the ground and stop, and then the thrust from the other two rotors flip it over. Is it possible that the controller joysticks need adjusting to give a default pure vertical upward thrust, instead of...
  7. Bannerman

    walkera x350p headless mode

    For exactly this reason, I applied four colours of fluorescent tape to the sides & front & rear of my drone. For evening & night flying, I added small red and green LEDs on each side (same as all ships and planes), to be able to determine the direction at a distance. (Port is Red, Starboard is...
  8. Bannerman

    Noobie with power transmission line question or two

    If you completely cover your drone in aluminium foil, it that could protect it against all the electro-magnetic fields. And then, if you run it into the power lines, the foil will produce a really beautiful display of sparks. Please post the video. Ok, seriously, the radio control works in...
  9. Bannerman

    Newcomer with a project

    Interesting project, but I can foresee some problems to overcome. The quad itself creates considerable disturbance to the air around it. This airflow will affect any sensors, so your anemometer probe would need to be on an extended arm, clear of propeller wash. A simple method could use a...
  10. Bannerman

    Increase hovering stability - What can I do?

    My little Eachine E58 (no GPS), when properly gyro calibrated and trimmed, will hover almost perfectly still. I suspect there is a function within your system (possibly a basic accelerometer sensor device) that will enable the normal basic stability you want, when correctly set. Does the...
  11. Bannerman

    Increase hovering stability - What can I do?

    I am an electronic technician, but don 't have specific knowledge of drone GPS systems. However, hardware & sofware issues are possible causes. Here are some quick guesses: 1) there may be a delay in the system reporting the GPS position to the control system, 2) the sofware may be slow in...
  12. Bannerman

    Autonomous delivery drone

    I suspect there may be potential problems with delivery drones: 1) Criminals shooting them down with air rifles or anti-drone GPS jammer guns. (or just kids with catapults.) (Or either, ordering a pizza just to steal the drone.) 2) Weather - drones will have difficulty when it is very...
  13. Bannerman

    3D printing : Vase Mode

    Yes, I am planning to get the Prusa i3 MK3S kit. It has a good reputation, they seem to give good customer support, the upgradability is solid, and it will print a wide range of materials.
  14. Bannerman

    3D printing : Vase Mode

    I have been reading up on 3D printers as I intend to get one sometime. I think the problem at the tip is that in the small print area, the filament of each layer does not have sufficient time to cool and solidify before the next line comes round on top of it. Is there a way to program a...
  15. Bannerman

    Cheerson CX10-WD propellers no longer spin

    If you have precisely followed all the procedures and diagnostics in the operation manual and checked the drone (& controller) battery voltage, my first guess would be a loose connector internally, or maybe a battery contact loose or corroded. Also check for software updates (if applicable). I...
  16. Bannerman

    3D printing : Vase Mode

    I love the rockets ! How tall are they ? And please tell us what happened to number two !
  17. Bannerman

    Software program to record transmitter stick movements

    It is certainly possible, because I recently saw a Youtube DJI Mini 2 tutorial showing the playback of the stick position as a little cross in the recorded in-flight video.
  18. Bannerman

    First flight- immediate crash... What did I do wrong???? (JJRC x12/Eachine EX4/C-Fly Faith)

    Before take-off , did you carry out all pre-flight checks according to the EX4 Operation Manual ? (from EX4 page on Eachine website)...
  19. Bannerman

    First flight- immediate crash... What did I do wrong???? (JJRC x12/Eachine EX4/C-Fly Faith)

    Get the full operation manual from the EX4 page on the Eachine website: Hit the [DOWNLOADS] button.
  20. Bannerman

    2n3055 Transistor

    Google: "2N3055 datasheet" "2N3055 circuits" "electronics forum" "free online electronics course" (Other search engines are available.)