Recent content by Newbie Flyer

  1. Newbie Flyer

    Reliable Seller in UK for 3.7V 680mAh Batteries and multi battery charger for Syma X5SC

    If you wouldn't mind sharing what you purchased and also which UK supplier you found on Amazon as I'm after exactly the items. Thanks
  2. Newbie Flyer

    LiPo battery charging and the USB provided charger

    Do you charge the batteries individually Michael or simultaneously?
  3. Newbie Flyer

    LiPo battery charging and the USB provided charger

    Also really interested in the best way to change/store/best practice..... for 1s lipos as I have the Syma x5SC
  4. Newbie Flyer

    UK supplier recommendation

    thanks for the response I did come across this site when I was working my way through several pages of Google searches. I normally look to see if a site gives a UK address, Company Reg number / VAT Reg number then find them on Google maps. Unfortunately this site was really thin on company...
  5. Newbie Flyer

    UK supplier recommendation

    Hi can anyone recommend a UK supplier that stocks the Syma X5c-1 ? After looking on Amazon and Ebay most suppliers appear to be overseas.
  6. Newbie Flyer

    Stock USB charger question. Is this the charger HDtallrider that you mentioned in your post. I've been looking at purchasing a syma x5c-1 and several batteries but Im not sure...
  7. Newbie Flyer

    Accessories for Syma X5C-1

    Many thanks for the responses. I've been considering purchasing a few Turnigy NanoTech 750 mah batteries to start off with (unless advised otherwise) but I'm struggling with what charger to get. Any thoughts?
  8. Newbie Flyer

    Accessories for Syma X5C-1

    Hi Folks after much reading on this forum I'm about to dip my toe in the water and purchase my first quadcopter. I'm looking at ordering an Syma X5c-1 but I'm looking for advice on what accessories to purchase alongside. I already have AA NiMH rechargeable batteries and charger but that's it...