Well-Known Member
Other than being equiped with brushless motors, what makes an "upmarket" quad superior to a "toy grade" quad? From looking at the online ad specs, the "upmarket" quads are within three-to-five minutes maximum flying time on a full battery charge for those priced under $500.00. Many of the features available on the lower end "upmarket" quads, either have been or are now being incorporated into the "toy grade" quads. And given some of the customer review horror stories of customer service from manufacturers in dealing with warranty issues, quality control of new items that are shipped to retailers, and assistance with software glitches with FCBs, it raises serious questions about whether the higher prices charged are justified for the end product. This not an indictment of the top-of-the-line professional-user models as they are in a class all by themselves. But it does raise questions about the lower-down-the-food-chain models aimed at consumers.
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