So Compass really not that important? I may try an autonomous mode.
I got the GPS part working. The Compass SCL and SDA are attached to the UART3 (T3 and R3) on the F/C.
Doesn't show up in betaflight (magnetometer). Might need to check settings in BF under 'Ports'/ 'UART3.
Prob. going off-topic..
On my wheelchair robot I used a PC version of Microsoft's Kinect. The furthest I was able to get was having it follow me around when I wore a red shirt. If I stopped or started walking away the ping sensors would get my distance and stop if distance was less then 3' and if it was greater than 3' start following again.
I read that using some form of RFID (active reader/tag) to send receive info / telemetry and use this, for example, if I wanted the quad to follow me around (at a given height.
I know a bit of C++ from the robot and using arduino.
I'm getting use to BetaFlight. Have you used LibrePilot? Looks a little watered down from screenshots but could be wrong..?
I got the GPS part working. The Compass SCL and SDA are attached to the UART3 (T3 and R3) on the F/C.
Doesn't show up in betaflight (magnetometer). Might need to check settings in BF under 'Ports'/ 'UART3.
Prob. going off-topic..
On my wheelchair robot I used a PC version of Microsoft's Kinect. The furthest I was able to get was having it follow me around when I wore a red shirt. If I stopped or started walking away the ping sensors would get my distance and stop if distance was less then 3' and if it was greater than 3' start following again.
I read that using some form of RFID (active reader/tag) to send receive info / telemetry and use this, for example, if I wanted the quad to follow me around (at a given height.
I know a bit of C++ from the robot and using arduino.
I'm getting use to BetaFlight. Have you used LibrePilot? Looks a little watered down from screenshots but could be wrong..?