aha Thanks! RENOV8R, I was just about to buy a 3rd set of ESCs.
okay so I just need a dedicated 5v supply into an empty channel on the CC3D right, or do I need something extra? I'm using a 5v battery for now for testing, and it seems to work.
The channels were all messed up in OpenPilot, so I unpluged all the channels wires on the RX and plugged them back one by one, as I was doing the TX config. which got me through the setup.
Now I'm setting up the motors. and having more problems.
I had a spark from one of the ESC's so I removed it, cleaned it and resoldered.
No more sparks, but now the motor instantly smokes.
also, if I use the TX.
The motors go from 0 to full throttle when I touch the throttle stick.
Maybe I should repost this in a different thread as the issues have now changed, though I'm wondering if they are all related to the new Opto ESC's