Alright before I even get started, heres the equipment i'm struggling with:
Mamba F722s:
My QX7 is up to date as well. Same with OpenTX.
I have also rest all settings on my Mamba FC to ensure I didn't turn something on or off that I shouldn't have.
So I've been battling this receiver/transmitter/f7 board for a while.
I have tried every combination I can think of trying to get F.Port to work on UART2 (TX2).
I have tried FLEX firmware and FCC firmware updates on both modules and with each firmware I've even tried outputting from the inverted S.port pin on the receiver to TX2.
I have ALSO tried running the F.Port wire to every other unused UART on the board....
I've even given up on F.port and figured I would just run SBUS. when I run SBUS I get stick movement on Betaflight, however when I link the smartport pin to TX2 and resource serial_tx 11 to the TX2 pad (A02) I'm not seeing any new sensors on my QX7.
Also worth mentioning, after every firmware update I re-bind the transmitter.
I am at a loss.
Is there something i'm missing with the r9m or a setting on the qx7???
Mamba F722s:
My QX7 is up to date as well. Same with OpenTX.
I have also rest all settings on my Mamba FC to ensure I didn't turn something on or off that I shouldn't have.
So I've been battling this receiver/transmitter/f7 board for a while.
I have tried every combination I can think of trying to get F.Port to work on UART2 (TX2).
I have tried FLEX firmware and FCC firmware updates on both modules and with each firmware I've even tried outputting from the inverted S.port pin on the receiver to TX2.
I have ALSO tried running the F.Port wire to every other unused UART on the board....
I've even given up on F.port and figured I would just run SBUS. when I run SBUS I get stick movement on Betaflight, however when I link the smartport pin to TX2 and resource serial_tx 11 to the TX2 pad (A02) I'm not seeing any new sensors on my QX7.
Also worth mentioning, after every firmware update I re-bind the transmitter.
I am at a loss.
Is there something i'm missing with the r9m or a setting on the qx7???