So I built a robocat 250. This is my first build, and it's got me stumped. I can not figure why one motor will never turn no matter what servo channel it gets plugged into.
I'm using emax motors, lumenier opto 32bit 18 A esc's. Cc3d atom is my FC. I installed a lumenier ubec powering the atom/ receiver with same result, (That damn emax won't spin, but I know it works).
Previously I had emax nanos with the same issue but that problem child would flicker a bit.
What am I doing wrong and can I give more info or details for help. YouTube does not help.
I'm using emax motors, lumenier opto 32bit 18 A esc's. Cc3d atom is my FC. I installed a lumenier ubec powering the atom/ receiver with same result, (That damn emax won't spin, but I know it works).
Previously I had emax nanos with the same issue but that problem child would flicker a bit.
What am I doing wrong and can I give more info or details for help. YouTube does not help.